Religious Dimension

Gospel - The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Matthew 25: 31- 40

In this week's Gospel we hear about the parable of the sheep and the goats.  In this parable Jesus reminded the people about the importance of helping those in need.   The parable of the sheep and the goats took place at the Mount of Olives, in a private discourse between Jesus and his disciples only days before his death. It paints a picture of God’s sorting the righteous from the unrighteous.

Jesus’ mention of the shepherd separating the sheep and goats is apparently based on the nature of the animals. The two groups pictured are sheep, generally considered to be likable and docile and goats which were often mischievous and offensive. Shepherds often kept these two distinctly different animals in the same fold, but separated.

Interestingly, in the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus portrays the righteous, who have gone beyond simply mouthing their faith, as unaware of the significance of the good they have done. He identifies with the needy when he equates service done for them as being done for him.

St John's Parish Mass Times for Christmas

Important Dates this term:

Year 5/6 A class massTuesday, 28 November at 10amSt. John's Church
Whole School Advent LiturgyMonday, 4 December at 9amMary MacKillop Space
Prep and New Families welcome mass for 2024 Sunday, 3 December, at 9:45amSt. John's Church
Whole School End of Year Thanksgiving and Year 6 Graduation MassThursday, 14 December, at 7:00pmSt. John's Church


Melinda Buscema (Deputy/REL)