Junior School

Years 7 to 9

Year 7

To the fantastic Year 7 cohort of 2023,


What in incredible year it has been watching you settle into high school. Throughout the year you have led the school in your appearance, almost always having nearly everyone in the correct school uniform. As a cohort you have also shown tremendous effort in your classes with a large number of students achieving great results across the year. This success could not have been possible without you being at school which is the other thing we would like to congratulate you on - the attendance rate of Year 7 students has been amongst the top in the school and we are so glad that you've felt connected to the school and have enjoyed being here. We are so proud of the achievements you've made this year and have felt privileged to have been a part of your first year of high school! 


It's at this time that we wish you a farewell and trust that you will have a safe and enjoyable holiday break. Mr Palmer will be waiting to welcome you back at the start of 2024 and Mrs Bishop will still be around, checking in on how you're doing.


All the best for the holiday period and the new year! See you in 2024.


Ms Bishop and Mr Palmer

Year 7 Coordinators 2023


Year 8

It has been a wonderful experience to be the 2023 Year 8 Coordinator. They are such a bright and talented group of students and I have really enjoyed watching them grow and learn throughout this year. Miranda Brown and I will be the Year 9 Coordinators next year. We have just completed Step Up, which was exceptionally well attended. This included our first RAID day. The students who attended the RAID day at Watergardens had a wonderful introduction to the program. Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday period. Looking forward to seeing you at the end of January for a positive 2024 school year!


Nadine Clarke

Year 8 Coordinator 2023


Year 9

The Year 9’s have now completed their Year 10 Step Up program. On top of this they have also made the big transition from Junior School into Senior School. They have continued to make me proud in the way that they have handled themselves, showing resilience, respect and taking on new challenges.


Over the last 2 years as their year level coordinator in years 8 and 9, I am incredibly proud of the growth that this cohort has shown. It has been very fulfilling to be able to help them to achieve their best and to see them grow and mature into the students that we see today.


I wish them all the very best in their senior school journeys and hope that they take the opportunity over the break to reflect on the successes that they have achieved this year.    


Kelly Hall

Year 9 Coordinator 2023