
This year, we have a number of staff moving on to new opportunities and new adventures or are taking the opportunity for a well-earned break. Each of these staff members have made a significant contribution to our college community, and while we will miss them, we wish them all the best for the future.


Thank you and farewell to:


David Butler; Greg Savvinos; Dale Barry; Madeline Duyker; Stephanie Pama; Matthew Mallach; David Baird; Emily Crocker; Julie Coonan; Frances Hayes; Karissa Sexton; Daniel Ralston; Kimberley Lee; David Westlake; Julie Bootle; Arjan Singh; Natsuki Wada; Jason DeAraugo; Zardia Cooper and Michael Portley.


We also wish Vicki Turner, Emily Ezzy and Renae King well as they head off on leave in 2024.


We wish you all the best in the future!



Ode to Sav - By Erinn H, Yr 12


Ahh Sav! We flock to him like doves to their cote,

As to my sister and others many times before,

He instills the ideals of the Ancient Greeks and their vote,

An array of strategies to educate caused us to adore.


He never once made change to his tune,

As calm as the sea or as clever as a warrior,

He never popped in anger like a balloon,

His character only calms the ever anxious worrier.


His knowledge sought by all those gathered here,

Taught to those before, of our lengthy past,

Through well versed talks all made certain to hear,

He prepared them to graduate one by one to the last.


Over the challenges of 2023,

Others and myself, as self-appointed pupils,

Learnt of a world so unlike our own, farther in the past than we could ever see,

Enlightened by the flowing and ever growing river of Sav's especial.


After the work reached its aim,

Sav was well aware of our habits,

For me to read manga, others to shop or game,

He knew what was occurring and let it.


Sav is one of those enlightened to emotion,

Completely intune to the states of minds in his party,

His calmness reached us with pleasant intention,

Understanding of our stress with us feeling hearty.


As reward and a goodbye to a man of good fame,

For teaching and not only restating the slides,

We procured a pen with an inscription of his name,

To follow him on whichever future path he decides.


Soon we will have to let him go,

We will meet and talk to him no more,

Since we are all sure to be saddened so,

I hope this message will remind of before.


You are a brilliant educator with years under your belt,

One with good diction and wide girth of myths,

With all of our feelings being felt,

You are the one most missed.


I hope this reminder doesn't fade from memory,

Our time short in the overarching length of life,

For we will all hold you dear like family,

And if you you ever need call us, we'll help you in your strife.


Good day to you, and many more to come,

Live the life destined by those you've taught of as true,

Spread some positivity like before and then some,

We and the Greek gods thank you.