Principals Report

- Sarah Rose, Principal

Our final edition for the year and I can hardly believe we’re at the end of term 4!  What a year it’s been.


There’s never a shortage of activity in a school setting and the past fortnight has been a fine example of the sheer volume of what goes on across the year levels and around the campus. We’ve had a successful Step-Up program wrap up for our Junior School which saw our teachers commence delivery of the 2024 subject content.  It was wonderful to see students engaged in this program and make a start on their new subjects which will help ease the transition back into school in the New Year.


We’ve this week had our incoming Year 7 cohort spend a full day with us on the state-wide transition day. They had a great day meeting their teachers and peers, and experienced a full day of activities and a BBQ lunch. I hope this day has helped to settle some nerves and increased excitement about the start of secondary schooling. 


It was a joy on Wednesday evening to celebrate the many and varied successes of our students at the annual College Awards Night.  This event recognises not only academic achievements, but also the significant efforts and progress students have made towards their learning and personal journeys at school.  It is always a special occasion when we are able to bring our school community together in a celebratory occasion and it was again a highlight of the year for me. I'd like to thank our student tech support, Blake and Clancy, as well as a huge congratulations to our Year 9 Band in their first big performance, who were absolutely amazing. A big thank you to the GSC team that put the event together, including the mini–Art Show that was set up for the occasion (photos below). Thanks also must be extended to the Gisborne Singers group who kindly leant the portable stage and to Gisborne Cottage Flowers for the beautiful floral display. I would also like to thank our award sponsors:

  • Community Bank Gisborne
  • GREAT Gisborne Gazette
  • Langley McKimmie Chartered Accountants
  • Mary-Anne Thomas MP
  • Rob Mitchell MP, Federal Member for McEwen
  • Woodend Lions Club

At the beginning of this week the results for VCE Unit 3&4 subjects were released and of course with this our Year 12s received their ATAR scores.  My congratulations to the entire cohort on their achievements, including our VCE-Vocational Major cohort, who while they don’t receive an ATAR, completed their studies to a very high standard.  Congratulations to Rue Kelly, College Dux with an ATAR of 96.75 and Abbey Holburt, Dux Proximus with an ATAR of 92.5.  There were a number of students who received individual subject study scores of 40 and above and these are published on The Age Honour Roll.  I can’t express my pride and sincere thanks for the work of our teaching and education support staff who go above and beyond to support our students to reach their full potential, and of course the efforts of families at home to ensure students are well supported throughout the year – this is a huge undertaking impacting the entire household.  Well done to all in being a part of the success of the cohort completing secondary schooling.


As you know from our emailed updates, over the last fortnight the Administration building has been demolished to make way for the new build that is a significant component of the Capital Works Program.  This was an emotional process for many, given this building was the original building when the school was first opened.  It holds many memories, especially for staff, who have worked at the college for many years.  It was, however an interesting and exciting process to witness, as this demonstrates significant progress in the project, and the precision in which the contractors took the building apart and sorted the materials using the massive machines was quite impressive. 


On the following page you will read about the staff who are saying farewell to GSC this year.  At the end of this I've included a poem written by one of our Year 12 students for retiring teacher Mr Greg Savvinos.


The school will close for business on Wednesday 20th December and re-open with staff onsite on Monday 29th January.  The school email account will be monitored over the break, with the exception of the period between Christmas and New Year, should you have any urgent queries,  Please refer to the College calendar published in this edition for detail of when your child/ren return to school in the New Year as we have a slightly staggered start for the various year levels.  I wish everyone a safe and restful summer break and a very Merry Christmas to those that celebrate it.


Sarah Rose, Principal