
Political Action Committee

As an educator, it is important to be aware of who the board of education members are and what their role is in our educational system. Typically, they are people who live within the district boundaries and are interested in serving their community. The political action committee works to find quality school board members to represent the schools and the needs of the children. Building a relationship with these school board members is important because this communication can lead to an understanding of the values of the organizations, like OGEA, working to support students in the district. Educators can help their board members find out more about how the schools in the district work and what schools provide for their students, parents, and the greater community. Please reach out and invite board members to school events. This will provide an opportunity for them to get to know our school communities and feel more connected to the staff and families they represent.

     This was the reason for contacting board members and sharing the Google document with information about the school board to OGEA members. Recently, PAC members and/or Maripaz have met personally with board members Diego Martinez and Carla Henandez. There are also plans to hold a town hall meeting, especially with the rising concern of parent groups, such as Informed Parents of Silicon Valley. Be on the lookout for more information soon.


Slide Show about board members (in case you missed it): 

OGSD School Board