School News 

Foodbank Festive Food Drive


To demonstrate our positive behaviour of showing respect by being kind and caring and supporting our students to become active global citizens, we are once again giving families the opportunity to brighten the festive season for those less fortunate than ourselves. 


Below is a list of suggestions. The ones in bold were specially requested by the Food Bank again this year. Please ensure that all donated items are not past their expiry date.


A box will be available in your child’s classroom for any donations you wish to make. 

Christmas Puddings

UHT Custard

UHT milk

Peanut butter, Vegemite, Jams, Nutella

Tea / Coffee 

Canned fish 

Canned vegetables

Canned Fruit


Pasta sauces

Pasta, Rice, 2-minute noodles

Sauces- barbeque, tomato, sweet chili

Plain and Self Raising flour

Dried Fruit


Tinned ham

Milk (UHT or Long Life)

Snack Food / Lollies /Chips



Dried vegetables, beans/lentils

Cordial/ Fruit juices

Biscuits (sweet and savoury)




Parents Thank You Morning Tea

Kapture Photo's

We have been advised by Kapture Photography that all Portraits, and Classroom Groups taken last term are still available for purchase.


Please visit using our school code QQS9B3


Absences from School

A written explanation is required under the School Education Act for each and every absence from school.  Notes are kept on file by classroom teachers for perusal by District Attendance Officers.  Electronic notes are saved on the Department of Education school server. 

Parents/guardians may notify the school via the following methods to inform the school of any absences: