Junior School

As the school year draws to a close, students and teachers have been relishing in the precious time we have left together. As we remember the reason for the season, what a joy it has been to see rehearsals happening throughout the school in preparation for Presentation Night, as well as all the wonderful Christmas crafts and activities going on in each class. It’s been lovely enjoying the sunshine in the yard while on yard duty and seeing the students play so beautifully together. As friendships and bonds have formed over the school year, we make the most of our time together in this wonderful school community. I hope your experience with the King’s community has been positive and brings you joy.
Alex Burgess
Head of Junior School
The Preps have enjoyed beginning their Christmas craft over the last two weeks. This week we made Christmas wreaths with our Year 6 buddies!
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
This week, Year 1 have enjoyed collaborating together with their peers as they set about solving some new puzzles and working on small creations with the pattern blocks. The children are very proud of themselves for receiving the “FOGO Award" after their extra effort in carefully composting their fruit scraps these past few weeks. Isla and Georgia are also commended after using their initiative to keep the school tidy by spending their lunch time picking up rubbish in the playground. Some of the Year 1 boys also used their problem solving skills of how to get the sand off the external wall of the Art Room portable and successfully washed the sand away with buckets of water!
Today the day arrived, after much excitement and great anticipation, for our class excursion to the Cobden Miniature Railways. Needless to say we all had a wonderful time... watch this space!
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
It's hard to believe that the end of the year is near! The Year 2's have been soaking up the last half of the term, doing lots of fun activities!
Students were looking at the story The Fisherman and His Wife and identifying the purposes for why the author wrote this story and the different parts of the book. To conclude these lessons, students created their own stained glass fish art. There were so many great, colourful looking fish that the Year 2's created!
The Year 2's have been working hard throughout the year learning a dance to the song Wake by Hillsong Young & Free. A few weeks ago, they were able to perform this item at the Junior School Assembly and did an outstanding job! Well done to all of the Year 2's on this performance, it was amazing!
To conclude our revision unit on procedure writing last week, students made some playdough! We wrote out our procedure in the morning, and then followed it in the afternoon and created lots of different coloured playdough.
Thank you to all of the parents and carers who help out the Year 2's and continue to support them. We're looking forward to the last two weeks together and the fun things that are ahead!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
The Year 3 class visited the Warrnambool Library on Friday November 24th. We got a tour of the amazing facility including the Tech Room and Sound Room. Mr Ezzy, a former teacher at King's sang some songs and read some books to us before we had a chance to browse and borrow books. It's a beautiful library and we're very blessed to have it in our community. I hope those who didn't bring Library cards will get a chance to return and borrow books another time.
Carolyn McDonald
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
These couple of weeks have seen lots of assessments being conducted and the class rising to the challenge. We have also been blessed with some amazing Soccer goals that our crew constructed and placed out on the oval. Also, our seeds are starting to sprout, how exciting!
In Maths, we have been learning how to plot out some pictures on a graph, and in English, we have been writing to our next year teacher to introduce ourselves and tell them a little more about who we are.
As the end of the year approaches, I've been encouraging the students to get as much rest as possible when they can and make a concerted effort to encourage their friends in the classroom and in the yard.
Steve Griffin
Assistant Head of Junior School
Year 5
Year 5 have been working very hard this week preparing for our toy and bake sale. They have been doing a lot of work in the kitchen baking, decorating, measuring and weighing. They have done an amazing job, and we are happy to say that we raised $471 for Ararat Christian School in Uganda. They have also been doing some wonderful maths with practicing displaying data in different types of graphs.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
Year 6 have been very excitedly completing their final assessment for their Science Unit on "Circuits and Switches". They have to construct a circuit that includes a switch to be integrated in or operate a construction of their choice.
We have had many wonderful constructions made, ranging from the lights in a dollhouse room, quite a few vehicles that the lights and the wheels were successfully working, a windmill that turned, a couple of lighthouses that shone, a basketball ring that buzzed as the ball went through and a Captain America shield that spun.
It was terrific to hear the "energy and electrical" talk happening around the room. "We need more power. How can we do that?", "The power lessens when we turn it on. How can we stop that?", "We need to get it spinning faster. How can we do that?". As a teacher, it has been very heart warming to see and hear the learning that has come out of this unit.
"In these science lessons I have really enjoyed the trial and error of these builds, I really enjoyed connecting all the wires and creating circuits.I have really enjoyed working with my classmates and having fun with all the electrical appliances." - Levi W
"Tilly and I made a light up Christmas tree which was fun but needed to be fixed. I enjoyed thinking of different ideas and strategies to make the circuit and the tree". - Lil J
"What I enjoyed most about Science was making something that used a motor, buzzer or a bulb to make it move, make sound and light up". - Lincoln B
"The science project was super fun. I loved how we got to design and try to figure out how to make our creations work". - Tilly V
"It was a bunch of fun trying and experimenting to get the wires connected and have it all functioning and keep it in the right spot without the wires disconnecting". - Kerby H
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Junior School Art
We have had a jam packed final term in Junior School Art. Year 5's and 6's have had the job of painting the new art poles, a display which underwent careful planning and a brief that followed the theme of nature. The art poles stand erect out the front of the art room, as part of the playground, and can be viewed from the adjacent carpark. If you get a chance to view them up close, I'm sure you'll agree the students have done an outstanding job and that the poles look incredible. Special thanks to Ally Robinson for helping to generate this school initiative.
As this was the first year the college has had Art in Junior School as a specialist subject, they haven't yet had the opportunity to go on a specific art excursion. This year the Year 6's were the first class to be able to participate in a two excursions to One Day Studios which is a popular art hub housed amidst the old Fletcher Jones Buildings in Warrnambool.
Here the students were led by the talented team of Gareth, Olive & Greta in collaborating together to come up with their own actual twenty (plus!) page colour cartoon magazine. It was exhilarating to be a part of discussions as our clever students united to create the characters, plot, and then to see to completion their own page of the story ready for joint collaboration. We look forward to receiving our very own copy which is straight off the press and available for the class in the coming days. Stay tuned!
Andrea Greene
Junior School Art Teacher