College News

Remembrance Day Service
On Friday November 10th, we held a service at the College to mark Remembrance Day and remember those who have fought for our freedom. The service included readings from Junior and Senior Student Leaders and a commemorative address from our Principal.
Uniform Reminders for 2024
All students are required to have the current uniform items with current logos at the commencement of the 2024 school year. The current two year transition period of uniform change over will finish at the end of this term. This means the white logos and crests will no longer be permitted on school uniforms as of the beginning of Term 1 2024.
The new College Blazers ordered for next year's Year 7's are still on track to arrive in the first week of December, and families will be contacted when they arrive.
If you wish to beat the rush in January for new uniform items prior to school starting back, please make contact with Maria in the Uniform shop to make an appointment, particularly for new Kindergarten, Prep and Year 7 students.
Orientation Day for all students is on Thursday 7th December. On this day the shop will be open from 8:15 to 12:00. Orientation day for Kinder is on Monday December 4th, where the shop will also be open from 8:15 to 12:00.
Please email or call to make an appointment.
Maria Sully
Uniform Shop Manager