School of Foundations

Yesterday, we welcomed our new Kindergarten cohort for 2024. It was wonderful to meet the parents and share with them the learning opportunities St Luke’s can offer them for their child’s educational journey from Kindergarten to Year 12. After a presentation from Mrs Bauer, Principal, Miss Pecnik Head of School, our school counsellor and Ambrose Activities Club Centre Coordinator the parents were able to enjoy some light refreshments and spend some time getting to know each other.


Our second Kindergarten orientation day will be Thursday November 30 where we will meet the remainder of our Kindergarten parents and their children.


Kindergarten Buddies

This year we have started the Kindergarten buddy initiative. The current Year 5 students were buddied up with a Kindergarten student. This will continue into next year and these students will have the opportunity to have lunch and playtime together. 


Benefits of the Kindergarten Buddy Program

Implementing kindergarten buddy programs contribute to a positive and nurturing school environment, fostering a sense of community and supporting the holistic development of students.


Social and Emotional Development:

Younger Children: They learn to interact with older peers, fostering social skills, and often feel a sense of security and support.

Older Children: They develop empathy, patience, and leadership skills as they take on a mentoring role.


Sense of Belonging:

Younger Children: Having an older buddy can help them feel a sense of belonging and ease the transition to a new environment.

Older Children: They may feel a greater connection to the school community as they take on a role of responsibility.


Friendship and Support System:

Younger Children: They may find a friend in their older buddy, providing emotional support.

Older Children: They may develop a sense of responsibility and connection, fostering a supportive school environment.



Ms Pecnik

Head of School of Foundations: K-4


As we draw closer to the Christmas season, we are reminded of the role model Jesus is for us. Within the School of Foundations, we have been making conscious decisions to show kindness to others with our words and actions, so that we can be more like Him. Particularly over the last week, students have had the opportunity to discuss and practise ways that they can show kindness to others. It is so rewarding when students can identify the positive impact kindness and respect can have on them and others. We encourage you to have a conversation with your child/ren about the ways they have been actively showing kindness to others this week, and how they have been shown kindness from others.

We are hopeful that “kindness is catching” because…

Enjoy your week!


Mrs Emerton

SOF Assistant Principal


 Early Stage 1 



Free writing in Kindergarten is an exciting writing session whereby students choose a topic they wish to write about. They can recount an event, write imaginatively or perhaps write a procedure outlining steps on how to do something. It is a time where we observe engagement in the classroom as students proudly complete their writing piece to showcase with peers during sharing time. It is also an opportunity for students to refine their writing structure, punctuation and editing skills. 


In Reading, students have continued to develop the skill of segmenting words into several sounds to help with unknown words. We have also had a focus on comprehension strategies such as questioning where students ask questions before, during and after reading to form a deeper knowledge with the text. 


As part of speaking and listening, we have introduced students to cooperative learning groups. This is where students work together in small groups to share ideas and discuss various topics. It is a great way for students to develop oral language skills, connect and show how they can respectfully listen to others.  




In Maths, students have been working on forming equal groups. Students have been working with concrete materials to make equal groups and then demonstrate their understanding in pictures and numbers. This has been challenging for students as we have set the bar high, however we are proud of their perseverance and achievements throughout the unit. 


This week, students have been building on their understanding of forming groups and started making connections with how this connects with discovering the surface area of 2D surfaces. Looking forward to seeing how this concept is explored further with our students.



Students in Kindergarten have been learning about the season of Advent, about the Advent wreath and how each Sunday a candle is lit as well as what each candle represents. We have also explored the story of the Birth of Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas day.We were also able to attend an incursion with Gen Bryant and her band who engaged us in song to show us how powerful singing together as a community can be as a form of prayer.






We have been learning about online safety (e-safety) in our Health lessons this term. With the rapid developments of technology today, we have made a start with speaking with the students about the  risks of sharing personal information online, particularly with strangers. We have discussed 4 Components of e-safety to Kindergarten and are impressed with the level of understanding and pre-knowledge they had about online safety prior to going into each lesson. We will continue to encourage being safe online and positive use of technology as the unit continues. 




Stage 1


As we approach the second half of Term 4, we would like to celebrate all the wonderful work our students have accomplished. It has been rewarding to see our students striving towards their goals and having the confidence to complete tasks they once thought were a challenge. It really does show the progress the students have made, driven by dedication and commitment to their learning. 


A gentle reminder that all students must bring a school hat everyday. Please ensure this hat is labelled with your child’s name and class. We encourage all students to manage their belongings by ensuring they put their hat in their school bag at the end of play time. 




So far this term stage 1 have been learning how to write persuasively.  We have written to the canteen giving them ideas for what we think they should sell, as well as using other stimuli  to help us write a persuasive text on such things as, what activities we think other people should try’, ‘should we all learn to cook?’ and many more.  We have also been continuing with our reading groups and literacy group activities to help us solidify our reading and writing goals.  Some of our goals are remembering to use punctuation and capital letters  in our writing, to use our known strategies to sound out unfamiliar words, edit our work, practise sight words as well as other goals as identified.





In Week 4 and 5 students have been learning about using problem solving skills to solve addition and subtraction word problems. They have had to unpack the question and think about what the question is requiring them to do, then pick an appropriate strategy to solve the problem.  





Science and Technology  

This term students have been learning about the different features of living things, where they live and how they change over time. Students have explored different animal life cycles such as a frog, turtle and seal. 


In the second half of the term, students will be learning about the different types of materials and their uses. Using this information, students will create a shelter using natural materials they bring in from home. 




This Term in Religion, students have been working on answering the driving question: ‘How does God speak to us through sacred scripture?’ 

Students have been discovering that the stories in the Bible have messages. These are messages that can be applied to our daily lives. 

Stage 2 


English- Magazine Writing 


This Term, the students in Stage Two have been creating Magazine Articles about a topic of their choice that entertains, persuades or informs the reader. We deconstructed a variety of magazine articles to identify the structure and features that the students could apply in their own writing. Stage Two are currently completing their writing, revising and editing to be able to publish their writing to be compiled into a Magazine to show others within the school. Stay tuned to see the final product!



Mathematics- Fractions  - 

Our Stage Two mathematicians are currently engaged in learning the skills of illustrating and comparing fractions on a number line. Additionally, they are developing their ability to recognise components of a whole, employ various strategies to construct fractional parts, represent fractions through diverse methods such as unifix cubes and number lines, and identify equivalent fractions. Students have been exploring this with a range of materials such as fractional rods and strips of paper. 






Religion - Gen Bryant Incursion

This week, the students of St Luke’s were fortunate enough to participate in an Incursion with musician Gen Bryant. During Stage 2’s session, the students joined in to learn and sing a range of songs. We have some very talented students!  





Other - Science- Bridge Designs 

This term in Science, Stage 2 have been learning about ‘Material World’. Students have been exploring the changes in state when materials are heated or cooled. Students have also been exploring the suitability of different materials to achieve a particular purpose. They were given a challenge scenario where they were required to design a bridge for a town. In order to be successful in this challenge, students needed to research various materials that can be used to construct a bridge and decide which materials would be the most suitable and effective. Students are now using Minecraft Education to create their bridge design. 






















Recorder students are very excited about their upcoming Concert on the 30th November. 

The students have been working on their ensemble coordination, ensuring that they play in harmony and with proper timing. Their ability to blend their sounds is improving day by day.


A concert sneak peek 


In Music, all SOF classes have begun learning their Christmas carols for the upcoming Christmas Concert. Students are very excited to share their songs and celebrate Christmas with the St Luke’s community. Our students are very enthusiastic singers, and we are looking forward to seeing them perform soon.






This term in PE students have been involved in a variety of activities to understand the importance of cooperation and inclusion.

Stage 1

Students have been focusing on movement skills and their ability to communicate kindly while enjoying games such as bean bag targets, survival tag and bullrush roadblocks.