from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview

Another week passes at HTS and the end is in sight. Our students in K-2 have been busily preparing for an unforgettable experience - the K-2 Christmas Concert. This will be held on Wednesday 12-1pm. Look forward to seeing you there.    


Some of our students in Year 5 have nominated themselves to be on the SRC council and School Captain. The process is almost complete as interviews this morning have commenced and voting happens towards the end of the week. Those voted in will be presented next week. 


Our teachers have been busy in planning and preparing some fun end-of-year activities for your child/children to continue enjoying their schooling year. The fun never stops at HTS:

  • K-2 Christmas concert
  • Years 3-6 Social (Year 6 Pizza before) 
  • K-2 Movie
  • Year 3-6 Colour Run
  • Years 1-2 Water Splash
  • Presentation Awards
  • End of year Mass

Temperature and Hydration 

As the weather is heating up we must continue to have our bottles full of fluids, water especially as it helps to hydrate and replenish our body's fluids.  We must wear our school hats to avoid sun exposure - students will be sat out of play should they not have one on top of their heads.  


Having a balanced diet and food source will help students focus and refuel them with enough energy to play throughout the day. Please be mindful to avoid artificial foods that are high in sugar and salt. 

Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER)

Our Year 6 students have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $112.50 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.

Year 7 Book Packs

The book packs for 2024 have arrived at the canteen. They can be purchased via Spriggy Schools for $85. The packs include a scientific calculator, geometrical equipment, and all books required.


Congratulations to the following weekly award winners 

KSTully Adams, Amalia Blair, Macey McLeod, Thomas Stanborough, Daniel Ji
KDMia Cutmore, Satya Devarapalli, Dusty Stewart, Havana Smith, Archer Devlin, Jordan Younger, 
1SBlakely Ria, Leo Hollingworth, Hugo Devlin
2GKhyellin Amery, Blayde Davies, Lyla Norman, Luke Renolds, Arlo Ward, Oliver Pilcher, Nolan Morgan
2MElsie Guest, Tilba Adams, Millie McPhee, Porsche Lloyd
3GArchie Wilson, Koby Wemyss-Colley
3WDash McMahon, Zara De Stefani, Zachary Read
4DLevi Swadling, Piper Williams, Alice Da Silva
4PElliot Schwarze, Madeline Steptoe, Milla Lynch
5BViolet McBean, Alex Kuhn
5DLHarrison Clarke, Tobias Murphy, Evie Robinson
5WFGeorge Xavier, Jack Bellinger, Pippa Butcher, Eva Xavier
6SMeleah Swadling, Tobias McCudden, Chloe Bannerman
6TJulian Collins, Dominic Kenny, Maria Brandao, Jacob Kim