Mrs Jillian Rainger

Last week @ HTS

It was wonderful to celebrate the graduation of our Year 10 students last week. My visit to Copeton Dam, followed by our graduation Mass and dinner on Friday culminated in a great year for these wonderful students. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours. Thank you to our families who supported these activities in the student's final week and over many years. 


This week @ HTS

Grandparents Day

Grandparents are welcome to come along to our Grandparents Day next Wednesday. The plan for the day ties in with our Infants Christmas Concert.


10:45am  Meet in the Infants Quadrangle and be taken on a tour of the school by our Year 9 tour guides.

11:15am Return to the Infant's Quadrangle for morning tea

11:40 If you wish to see the Infants Christmas Concert move to the hall for the 12:00pm performance.

Celebrating Christmas @ HTS

As a Catholic School, we celebrate Christmas, the time of Jesus' birth in multiple ways. Here are some of the ways that you can join us in celebrating:

Wednesday 6 December Infants Christmas Concert @ 12:00pm in the hall


This week we have a message from Mrs Adams in the canteen

It’s been another very busy year in the canteen.  Thank you to all families & staff that have supported us throughout 2023.   I hope everyone has found the transition to Spriggy Schools easy,  I know we certainly enjoy using it & it keeps our day running smoothly.

Just to give some insight, here are some stats from a 30 day period just recently.  We’ve made;

106 salad tubs, wraps & sandwiches

615 hot homemade meals

392 toasted sandwiches

59 popcorn chicken wraps

148 toasted chicken wraps

198 chicken burgers

378 serves of nuggets

148 MHB pies

185 MHB sausage rolls

Just to name a few.

The majority of our food is homemade in our canteen, within school hours, so our days are very full.  Without the help of our wonderful volunteers, this wouldn't be possible so I’d like to extend a huge thank you to each & every one of you for your generous time. Because of you we can provide healthy homemade meals and have extensive menu options at an affordable price.  We bid farewell to some long-serving volunteers this year,  some of which have helped out all the way from Kindy to yr10,  you will be greatly missed and we have enjoyed your company. 

I am looking for volunteers for 2024, everyone is welcome.  Currently on our roster we have dads, grandparents as well as mums. The kids get a real buzz out of seeing their special people in the canteen.  I have 12 empty spots on the roster so please consider volunteering if you can spare 3-5 hours once a month.

Anna & I would like to wish all our HTS families a very merry and safe Christmas and we look forward to providing your kids with lunch orders next year.



Canteen supervisor