Community News

Emmanuel College
As we enter the final week of school for students at the College, we congratulate everyone on a wonderful year, achieving their best both personally and academically.
We are excited for those students who are heading off to join the workforce, commence an apprenticeship, or continue their studies at TAFE or University and look forward to welcoming everyone again at Alumni events in the future.
The College is grateful for the strong relationships that exist with both our current and future families as well as the primary schools with whom we work.
We would like to wish everyone safe and enjoyable festive season and look forward to seeing you at events in 2024.
Kind regards,
Jenny Hendricks
Community Engagement
Mount St. Joseph Girls' College
Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College Altona was established by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart and the first 65 students walked through the gates on 4 February 1964.
In 2024, Mount St. Joseph Girls' College celebrates their 60th Anniversary, Alumnae and families with connections to MSJ are invited to join in the celebrations.
Tickets are now available for “MSJ Celebrates 60 years" on Sunday 18 February. To RSVP, scan the QR code or visit Trybooking HERE.
Kind regards,
Nicole Magee
Marketing & Communications Officer
Holy Trinity Parish Bulletin
Quantin Binnah - Before/After School Care
For more information and the location of the out of school hours care please visit website -
Quantin Binnah Community Centre
Ph.: 97425040
Fax: 97312699
Super Speak
HBCC - Summer Holiday Activities for Grade 6s
We have some Summer Holiday activities for young people aged 12-17 – could be a great opportunity for Grade 6s to make some new friends over summer before they head to Year 7! Please see attached flyers.
Year 6 students must register via the QR code link or by visiting our website:
Summer in the Bay 2024:
A collection of all the fun, free and low-cost activities in Hobsons Bay across January and February this summer. It includes, but is not limited to, the Youth Services summer holiday activities, which includes a wide variety of offerings, from arts and crafts to sports and op shopping. Registrations are essential for the Youth Services activities but there will be many other drop-in opportunities.
Summer in the Bay 2024 caters to a variety of interests and offers something for all young people in Hobson’s Bay. Whilst the Youth Services summer holiday activities are targeted to those between the ages of 12-17 years, there are plenty of activities for young adults and families.
Summer Holiday Activities:
Inclusive in the Summer In The Bay 2024 activities, there is Hobsons Bay Youth Services Summer Holiday Activities. These include a range of free recreational, creative and skill developmental activities promoting physical and mental health and wellbeing as well as providing opportunities for young people to explore their local area and socialise in a supervised safe environment. Registration is essential to attend these programs as they have capacity limits on each activity. This can be done either by scanning the QR code on the flyer or visiting:
Free Come and Try Softball School Holiday Sessions
Softball Victoria will be running Free Come and Try Home Run Heroes Softball sessions in conjunction with Wyndham City Council during the School Holidays, at Brookdale Road Reserve, 2 Brookdale Rd, Point Cook.
Here are the event links to the council website event page with all the details.
In addition, Softball Victoria will also be running a Free Social Softball session for Adults and Teens 16+ on the school holidays on Wednesday 17 Jan 7.00pm – 8.30pm.
Teens/Adults Free Come and Try Social Softball School Holiday session – Wed 17 Jan 2024 7.00pm – 8.30pm