
The Bairnsdale Clontarf Academy has continued to grow in 2023, now reaching 74 boys in the program. We are pleased to announce that 6 year 12 boys graduated, making it another strong year for our College. We are excited about our largest cohort yet, with 16 boys entering year 10 next year. It is important that we set them up for success and ensure they graduate in 2026. Nationally, the Clontarf Foundation now has over 11,500 boys in the program, including 975 boys enrolled in year 12 this year. We are also pleased to announce that the Clontarf Academy has expanded in Victoria for the first time since 2010, with St Pats in Ballarat now having its own Academy.
Throughout the year, there have been many highlights that align with the Clontarf Pillars, providing students with a range of opportunities, and in 2024 we look forward to more events being accessible and running a full program. In terms of community initiatives, we have organised a primary school Super Clinic, Elders Wood Run, Backyard Blitz, East Gippsland Field Days, and Close the Gap BRHS. In the education realm, we have implemented a Homework Program led by Will Hawkey and provided in-class support. For student well-being, we have conducted 715 Health Checks with GEGAC, provided GEGAC Dental services, invited guest speakers, and had involvement with Headspace. In terms of employment, we have organised Trade Day, Retail Day, and a Work Week in Melbourne. We are proud to have a high number of students balancing part-time or casual employment while completing their education.
In the sports arena, we have participated in the Clontarf State of Origin, Boot Camp, and Training. Regarding leadership development, we have organised High Achievers Trips, Aus-kick Clinics, and collaborated with Special Schools for Hub Breakfasts. In terms of alumni achievements, we have focused on equal opportunity in employment.
I would like to express my gratitude to my Clontarf colleagues Richard Harrison and Brady Egan for their ongoing commitment and care for our students throughout the year. They have consistently gone above and beyond, investing many after-hours in activities to prioritise the well-being of our students. I would also like to acknowledge the regional staff across VIC Academies and the Head Office Staff in Melbourne and Perth. The Academy members and staff would like to extend their gratitude to Brady Egan and his family for their contributions during his time in the operations role at the Bairnsdale Academy. Brady's energy and ideas have not only benefited the Bairnsdale Academy but the Foundation as a whole. We wish Brady, Renee, and Pippa all the best as they embark on their own business ventures. We would also like to thank all the College Staff who visit the Academy and provide support to the boys, especially Will Hawkey for his time spent on the Thursday night homework program after school. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We look forward to working as a team in 2024. - Paul Carroll (Turk)
Partner Appreciation
Bairnsdale Clontarf Academy has received long-term support from KHub and Kmart, led by Manager Maree Day and her team at the store. Kmart, a part of the Wesfarmers Group, has played a crucial role in the development of many young Clontarf Academy members across Australia, offering both employment and philanthropic support to the foundation. The Bairnsdale Academy has been fortunate to receive employment opportunities from Kmart, as well as store visits, a Retail Day, and other events attended by the state management team led by Terrilee, along with local staff.
The staff at Bairnsdale Academy thought it would be a great idea to show their appreciation for the support they have received. The new Kmart store has been operational since March, and the academy decided to organise a Clontarf Blitz to clean up the garden and pick up rubbish along the highway. The Academy team mowed the lawn, whipper snipped, and collected litter that had been thrown on the ground. Latrell a year 11 student, Kaian from year 9,both who are employed by the store, and Callan the Clontarf Junior Champion for 2023 ensured that the clean-up was successful.
Store Manager Maree Day personally thanked the boys by presenting each of them with a box of chocolates, and the boys were thrilled with the gesture and expressed their gratitude.
We are excited to continue building the strong relationship between our academy and Kmart, as they provide crucial opportunities and pathways for our academy members.