
Important Dates - 2023 | |
Year 7 (2024) Orientation day performance | Tuesday 12th December |
School Presentation Evening (College Orchestra) | Thursday 14th December |
Ensemble Final Rehearsal Dates | |
Swing Band | Monday 11th December |
Senior band | Tuesday 12th December |
String Ensemble | Wednesday 13th December |
Music End of Year ‘Rap Up’
What a big year 2023 has been in the music department with Term 4 providing a ‘big finish’ to our performance program.
As we finish the year, I would like to thank all the music families for their support, the music staff for their dedicated work, the school staff (especially office and Hub staff) for their assistance and the students for their continued enthusiasm and drive to learn.
We also say goodbye to Trudie Nagle who has provided a wonderful opportunity for music to flourish here at Bairnsdale SC, and thank her for her support of the program.
As our young musicians go off on holiday, I would like to remind them that their instruments work well at home, holidays being an ideal time to practise and experiment with new pieces. Try looking on the internet for new music or put in a Christmas order.
Planning has already started for 2024 and things are shaping up well. In the meanwhile, we in the music department, wish everyone a relaxing and a well-deserved summer break.
Kim Green - BSC Instrumental Music Coordinator
Music Tour
Music tour is over for another year. The tour students wowed audiences with their performances, set up, packed up, did dishes, got on and off the bus many times, numbered off in rhythm, supported each other when times got tough, always impressed our host schools, performed funny acts for Star Search, and were amazing ambassadors for our school. The music staff would like to congratulate them all on their magnificent achievements.
What the students thought:
“This was my first music tour and it was amazing. Although it’s been tiring, seeing our audience have fun and bonding with the band members has been more than worth it. I can’t wait until next year”. Tahlia-Rose
“Music tour was a blast. My highlights would be performing in front of all the different schools, especially on the Wednesday when we did the workshops with Vermont and Wantirna Colleges. I also enjoyed going to Eastland shopping Centre and walking around with my friends”. Jami
“On tour the fun never stopped, whether it be making a mess with friends in our cabin or getting the whole band in on the goofy fun. Tour never stopped for any problems and was just a constant stream of joy”. Ozzy
“The experience of seeing the kids light up as the music is played, especially pieces they recognise, has it’s unique joy for me when I perform”. Matilda
“We had lots of fun”! Lily
“I enjoyed playing with Wantirna and Vermont on the Wednesday night concert. I had fun spending time with my peers whilst on tour, it’s a great way to finish the year”. Noah
Summer ‘Gala’ Concert
The Summer ‘Gala' Concert showcased all our music students at their best. Every ensemble performed their favourite items to an appreciative audience. We said a sad farewell to our year 12 students and all joined in dancing at the end. What a great final concert for the year!
Pre-Service teacher
For the last three weeks we have been very lucky in the music department to have Ally Dunk, a pre-service teacher, work with our music students. Ally came on tour with us and played her oboe with the band and orchestra. She has also been taking classroom and instrumental music lessons. We have loved having her here with us and will be sorry to see her go.
AMEB Results
Congratulations to all students who completed and passed their AMEB exams. Most of these were held in Sale over the last two weeks and Benji’s was done via video. Cody completed grade 6 tenor saxophone, Cooper grade 4 trumpet, Charlie grade 1 trombone, Noah grade 1 double bass and Benji grade 3 percussion. It is the first time Bairnsdale Secondary College has put someone through a percussion exam.
2024 Re-enrolment/Enrolment
There are still outstanding re-enrolment forms. Please get them in as soon as possible as planning is already underway for 2024. If students are unsure about whether to go on or not, come over to the music centre and discuss options with the music staff.