Principal's Message

Well ...... welcome to the last newsletter that I will ever put together!
There is a 'little pinch there' – some of excitement and anticipation of the next chapter and some of sadness about letting go of both the connection to BSC and how hard all the staff have worked to lift us to where we are currently and also letting go of a career in education.
But enough about me! 😊
Let’s quickly talk music tour. Congratulations to Kim Green and her fabulous music team for planning, putting together and then delivering an outstanding music tour. Everything went so well and the final day working with the Wantirna and Vermont Secondary College bands was the icing on the cake. When I spoke with Kim, she referred to the kids as 'perfect'. More details from Kim and her team can be found in this newsletter in the music section for your reading. Enjoy!
Our whole College Presentation Evening is fast approaching, next Thursday 14th December, where we have the opportunity to celebrate the fabulous achievements of our students. At each year level we will be acknowledging academic achievement, College Values awards and also growth awards. The growth component is new this year, it is absolutely designed to recognise those students who have typified hard work and dedication to their studies, the student who has made remarkable growth, regardless of the final outcome. We will also of course be celebrating the VCE Dux for 2023 along with the VM Dux for 2023. It is a great night and I am looking forward to having a sore face from smiling so much! Hopefully I will see you there.
This time of year always sees staff movement, in and out of our College. History tells us that each year we have around 12 to 13 staff move. To all the staff who have moved during the year and those who will be leaving at the end of the year, I wish you all well. I can’t thank you enough for your hard work and dedication to the students in our College. You have been integral in the improvement journey! January will see us welcome on board the new staff and I am excited about the skills and energy that they will bring.
I also received an email during the week from a member of the public. Please read below and maybe just smile a little, when we all reflect on what great kids we have!
Hi. I wanted to pass on a compliment to the students I encounter at the BARC of a morning. I attend water aerobics four mornings a week arriving about 8.30 am. Many of your students are sitting in the café area talking quietly. They are respectful of those around them and they conduct themselves with quiet confidence in a mature manner.
I’ve seen them deposit any rubbish they have in the bins provided and I saw one boy move around his table collecting other student’s rubbish. I have not seen any rubbish left behind or dropped.
They appear to enjoy the quiet socialisation and when it’s time for them to depart they exit the area quietly, as one. If I pass students on my way into the BARC I am often met with a smile.
I just thought you might like to hear my impressions of some of the students at the college. I feel pride in their behaviour, and they leave me with a sense of optimism for the future.
Well done kids.
I wish Tony Roberts well and I know that our College is being left in great hands. I do want to particularly single out the Assistant Principals that I have worked alongside across the last four years and say thank you. The quality of work, the amount of hours and the commitment to our College, students and families is remarkable. You should be very proud! I look forward to hearing all about the continued growth and improvement journey of our College.
There are amazing people working here at our College, staff who give so much more of themselves than they should and they are good people. Thank you to you all and to our community, please recognise what an absolutely fabulous secondary school you have and treat the staff at all times with respect and integrity, because they deserve it.
That’s me 'almost out'!
Trudie Nagle
Trudie Nagle
Executive Principal