
Students of the Week- Week 9

Student of the Week Awards - Week 10

FJ- Otis B & Francesca T

1/2E - Chester O and Nancy M

1/2J - Lena E

3/4S - Finn P

5/6MS - Arlo M and Tom P

Matific Awards

Matific Student of the Week - Cate S

Matific Class of the Week - FE

Student Learning - 1/2

1/2B Working on their geography presentations:


1/2M’s thoughts on swimming


“I love doing freestyle!” - Kearna 


“I love doing ‘chicken wings’ and bombs!” - Wolfe 


“My favourite thing is doing my moves in the pool”- Oscar 


“I love diving in the pool!”- Ahlam


“I like doing the Chicken, Aeroplane, Soldier moves” - Micky 


“I like learning new things and doing bombs!” Alessandra. 


“I can do handstands in the pool!”- Martha


“I like going in the deep end.”- Noah 


“I like doing belly flops in the deep end!”- Baxter 


“I like kicking on my back!”- Emmylou 


“I like going into the deep end!”- Cyanna


“I like helping people get changed” -Luna


“I like doing the race game with my partner to get the hoops!”- Miette 


“ I did cannonballs!”- Teddy


“I like that we got to do bellyflops!”- Cassius. 


“I like everything about swimming!”- Theo. 


“ I like doing the game, Chicken, Aeroplane, Soldier- Holly 


“I like diving down to get the rings that sink”- Harper


“I like the teachers and I like doing bombies!” - Charlie 


“ I like soldier kicking!” Matteo 


“I liked doing a 360 BOMB!!!” -  Will


This week in maths, we have been revising the use of our problem solving strategies involving different operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Here is some of our work solving a problem about possible different vehicles that could've been parked at Barkly Square. 

1/2M Reading in the sunshine ☀️