Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Important Notices for Next Week

  1. Friday 1st Dec - Staff professional Learning and Planning Day (No Students)  
  2. Sunday 3rd Dec- First Week of Advent 
  3. Monday 4th Dec - Morning Gathering in the Church - Advent Prayer
  4. Monday  - Reports available to Families through Portal
  5. Tuesday 5th Dec- Parent Helpers Morning Tea 13:30-11:30
  6. Tuesday 5th Dec - Trinity Voices performing at Victoria Gardens at 2pm (leaving 1:30pm)
  7. Wednesday - SAC (School Board) AGM 6:00pm
  8. Thursday 7th Dec - Student Led Conversations 1:30-7:30
  9. Friday 8th Dec - Year 6 End of Year Excursion MSAC
  10. Friday 8th Dec - Yr 4 Cricket Comp

Prayer: Lord, Whatever We Do, Give Us a Sense of Achievement 


Whatever we build, Give us a glimpse of your glory.

Whatever we make, Give us a sense of wonder, 

Wherever we travel, Give us a sense of reverence.

Whoever we meet, Give us a sense of awe.

Whatever we do, Give us a sense of achievement.

Whatever our situation, Give us knowledge of you.


Dear Families and Friends,

Thank you all again for another great week at Trinity. As each week seems to fly by I keep trying to remind myself to focus on everything that is happening at the present as it is so easy to get caught up with all those things we need to do in preparation for our new school year. 


Over the past few weeks teachers have been involved in writing student reports and analyzing data gathered throughout the semester to inform the scores they will give each child in all areas of their learning.  Each child's scores are based on numerous assessment tasks as well as teacher observations and records. From feedback we have received from parents in the past, what is also of great value is the written comment by teachers about each child's learning. Once again I remind all parents that the formal, written report forms one part of our reporting to parents and is to be considered alongside the conversation parents will have with their child's teacher and of course the student led conversation next Thursday. We hope that these student reports are a cause for celebration of learning and that parents are able to focus on the positive achievements whilst encouraging children to consider their challenges as they continue their learning journey at Trinity. 


Mini Fete

A huge success yesterday thanks to our amazing Senior Student Leaders and Ms Antonella and all our staff. In under 2 hours we were able to raise over $700 which we will now donate to the Smith Familiy as part of our school's outreach and social justice program. Thank you to all our families for your great generosity.  


Thank you Morning Tea

Don't forget our Thank You Morning Tea for all our parent and family helpers. To show our appreciation to all our excursion volunteers, classroom helpers, Fete committee and volunteers, our P&F and everyone else who has helped at any time throughout the year.


Meet the Teacher

On Tuesday the 12th December students will, 'Meet the Teacher' who they will have in 2024. A great deal of consideration goes into this process to ensure there is a balance between classes in a wide range of measures. Of course one aspect of this process is each child's social/emotional welbeing and therefore all children are asked to write the names of a number of friends they would like to be with next year. In creating the classes teachers will take into consideration these requests, when this is in the best interest of their learning.


New Bike Racks

Thank you to our P&F who have supplied two brand new bike racks which have now been installed in front of the school and to Humphrey and Goldie's dad who had them installed for us. Hopefully they provide a safer place to park our bikes when entering from Davison Street. 



School Closure Day for Staff Professional Learrning

A reminder that tomorrow there will be no school for our students as all staff will be involved in a professional learning and planning day.  Thank you all for your support in enabling us to have this day where all staff are able to work together. Throughout the day staff will review some of this year's survey data to highlight areas to focus on next year.  We will also spend tme exploring both Literacy and Numeracy learning particularly for our junior teachers as we embark on a new initiative from MACS which will be implemented next year. 


2024 School Fees

Thank you to the members of our School Advisory Council who have approved a slight increase in our school fees for next year. I have attached these HERE for your information. If at any time you have any questions or concerns regarding school fees please contact me to discuss. 


From the Library

Dear Students, Family and Friends,

A big thank you for supporting our wonderful library, ordering from Scholastic Book Club (so we can get reward points), visiting our Book Fair and Second Hand Book Sale and allowing your child/ren to purchase books from them (so we can source new books too)

Your support, help and participation always creates a lot of fun and is always appreciated. 

As the school year is nearly finished, thank you very much too for having a look for any overdue books.

If you find them you can either drop them off in the office or bring them to your next library time.

Thank you again and we are already looking very much forward to next year !

All the best and

Happy Reading

Barbara Shaw



Christmas Concert St Patrick's Cathedral


Community Calendar HERE - Keep up with our important dates!


Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
