
Foundation Cluster News Term 4 Week 6



Dear God,  

Please be with the students that are not feeling well and be with all of us so that we stay healthy. Amen 

Home Inquiry for Foundation that started in Term 1 of 2023

Rest and Play

Continue to provide them time to rest and play when they get home especially with you if you have time.


Jolly Sounds

Your children should be experts on the sounds by now but if they need some letter formation practice please continue to do so.


Snap Words

Please keep practicing these. If you want to extend them, please get them to write them in a sentence or say them in a sentence to you. Children are still working at their own pace if they are ready for the next sheet please let us know. 


Jolly Words

Jolly Words are a great way of children using both their sound knowledge and blending skills. If you want to extend your child please get them to write a few of these words in a sentence. 

 Please keep these in their Jolly pouch always. See our Youtube channel for the video showing how to do them.


Home Reading

A letter and their 4 take home books were sent home on Friday Week 2 in their take home folder. This is a new way we are engaging with books so please keep an open mind and enjoy sharing this experience with them. Just a reminder please keep their take home book bag inside their take home folder and bring this to school each day.

Home Inquiry for Foundation that started in Term 3 of 2023


Rest and play

Your children have been working extremely hard all day at school and we encourage you to let your child rest and play when they get home. Give them time to digest what they have learnt throughout the day before asking too many questions.


Word study (purple pouch)

Jolly phonics: In your child’s take home folder, there is a purple pouch with the Jolly Phonics focus sounds and actions. Students will receive 6 sounds each week on a piece of paper. Students need to be able to recognise and write them in order to recognise them in words. We have a YouTube channel where we have recorded the sounds, actions and formations so please watch at home:


Jolly Words (purple pouch)

These are words that can be sounded out and blended. The children say each sound in the word and then blend them together to read the word. We encourage them to chop the sounds on their hand and then blend them. They are to keep the card until they are comfortable with the words and blending accurately and then in the mornings they can swap for a new card. Once they have ticked off all the coloured dots in that colour card section then we will test them and move them to the next lot. Please keep these in their Jolly pouch always. See our Youtube channel for the video showing how to do them. 

Learning program: 

Readers Workshop – Avid Nonfiction Readers Word Study – Christmas themed literacy, sentences, blending and cvc words


Bookmaking – Spotlight session: All about me - little people big dreams. (creating books for our 2024 teacher)

Inquiry into Maths  

Capacity- measuring out different materials  

3D shapes- do they roll, slide

Graphing- tenzies - a game based used to help with learning about winning and losing as well as subitising really quickly.

How the World Works   

Central Idea: Through exploring and observing we discover how to group plants and animals. 

Line of inquiry 1: Animals and plants have different features. 

Line of inquiry 2: Living thigs can be sorted. 

Line of inquiry 3: Groups of living things can be categorised.  

Learner Profile: Caring, Inquirers  

Concepts: Connection, Form  

Christian Studies: Christian Living  

Key Idea: Christians have a responsibility in and for the world 

Children discuss their experiences of God’s world and demonstrate how they can care for it.


Swimming week is just around the corner in week 8 (5th December to the 8th December. A note was sent home on Monday please return these ASAP.

2024 new Foundation visits: 

On Monday 27th November, 4th December and 11th December the current Foundations that will be moving up to Year 1 in 2024 will be starting their day off in the fellowship centre. Please bring them and their school bag to the fellowship centre from 8.30. They are not to go to our Foundation classroom. They will be in there until recess and we as a group will bring our items back to our Foundation classroom after recess.  

Take home books: 

It is coming close to the end of the year and we will need to make sure books are being returned. Week 7 will be the last week of Take-home books. Students will not be taking home any take home books or interest books in Week 8. Their take home pouch will stay at school and be given to their new teacher in Year 1 or it will stay in the Foundation class. Please ensure all books are brought back and their take home pouch is brought back too.  

Library books: 

This week is the last week for borrowing books. Students will need to start returning their books when they have finished reading them. From the 30th November Library books will need to start coming back. We will still go up to library, but this will just be a read and view time.  


Students will have their last tri skills lesson on Monday 4th of December.

Christmas concert: 

A friendly reminder that our Christmas concert is on Friday the 1st of December at 6.30. Students will meet us at our Foundation classroom at 6.45. They will need to be in their all white, brown, grey or black top and pants. If you have any questions please ask.  


We will be sending books and craft home in their take home folder in Week 8. Please make sure you take everything out of their take home pouches each night to ensure they don’t keep bringing them back to school. Please note some items will be kept at school and moved up into Year 1. 

Kimochis at home:  Please ensure they are taken care of and don’t get drawn on or eaten by any family pets. Bring them back on the Monday.  If you do not have a printer at home, we are happy to print for you. Thank you! Term 4  

Week  Cat   Bug  
6  Sustika  D'arcy  
7  Keisha  Saahet  
8  Harley  Darcy  



Keep smiling,  

Celeste and Emma 


Celeste Howard:  

Emma Wachtel: