Upcoming Dates for the Diary


Thursday 29th August                                                      Year 6 Graduation Photo     

Friday 30th August                                                             SRC Paralympic Fundraiser

Looking Ahead....                                                          

Tuesday 3rd September                                                      District Athletics Day

Friday 6th September                                                          Year 6 All Star Hooptime Day

Thursday 12th September                                               WHPS Art Show

Friday 13th September                                                        Curriculum Day (No Students)

Monday 16th September                                                    Parent Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 17th September                                                    Parent Teacher Interviews (Students                                                                                                                        Finish 12.30pm)

Friday 20th September                                                        Footy Day Parade (9am - Parents                                                                                                                                  Welcome)

Friday 20th September                                                         Last Day Term 3 - 2.30p finish

Thursday 10th October                                                        Year 3 Camp at School experience

Wednesday 16th October                                                    Prep Melbourne Zoo Excursion

Wednesday 20th - Friday 22nd November                     Year 6 Camp Kangaroobie

Friday 29th November                                                          Curriculum Day (No Students)

Friday 6th December                                                            Planning Day (No Students)

Monday 16th December                                                      Year 6 Graduation Ceremony      


Parents Association Upcoming Meeting Dates

The Parents Association will meet monthly for the remainder of the year on a Wednesday night at 7:30pm, alternating between in-person meetings at Rogue Squire and online meetings, for those interested in attending.                


18th September (online)

16th October (Rogue Squire)

20th November (online)

TBC December

Term Dates 2024

Term 1 : Tuesday 30th January   Thursday 28th March

Term 2 : Monday 15th April         Friday 28th June

Term 3 : Monday 15th July           Friday 20th September

Term 4 : Monday 7th October     Friday 20th December