Important upcoming dates

Monday 26 August – Friday 30 August
Manresa House Week.
Wednesday 28 August
Hobart USA College Sports Scholarship Information Session, Student Resource Centre (7.00pm–8.00pm). Open to Year 8 to 12 students and their parents/carers.
Thursday 29 August
Year 7–12 SSATIS Swimming Carnival, Doone Kennedy Aquatic Centre (9.00am–3.00pm).
Friday 30 August
Excursion: Year 9 On Country Session #1 to piyura kitina (Risdon Cove) (9.15am–3.00pm).
Sunday 1 September
Father's Day.
Monday 2 September
Excursion: Year 7A and 7C On Country to Bedlam Walls (11.10am–12.50pm).
Tuesday 3 September
Rescheduled: Year 6 'Try Rowing Day', New Town Bay Rowing Centre (half-day for each class).
Excursion: Year 7B, 7D and 7E On Country to Bedlam Walls (11.10am–12.50pm).
Wednesday 4 September
Kinder Father's Day Activities Afternoon, Nagle Centre (1.45pm–2.30pm).
Friday 6 September
Moderation Day (Senior School): College is closed to all Year 7–12 students.
Excursion: Year 1 On Country to piyura kitina (Risdon Cove (10.00am–12.00pm).
Years 3–6 Junior School Athletics Carnival, Domain Athletic Centre (all-day).
Monday 9 September – Friday 13 September
Wellbeing Week.
Wednesday 11 September
Year 9 Pillars Eddie Rice experience (Year 9A, B and C).
Year 9 Retreat Core D to Richmond.