Director of Learning & Teaching

đ Parent Teacher InterviewsÂ
These will take place on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th September from 3.20pm-5.20pm. Primary teachers will be in their classrooms and secondary teachers will be located in the secondary corridor, science room and library. We look forward to welcoming you to discuss your childâs progress since the start of Term 3 and set targets for Term 4. We strongly encourage students to attend alongside parents and family. If for any reason you are unable to attend your scheduled interview time, please let the College Office know at your earliest convenience. This can often allow the time slot to be utilised by another family.
đ MACS Flourishing Learners: Vision for Instruction
Our staff have been able to undertake further professional development exploring the MACS Vision for Instruction model. Our most recent session unpacked the explicit instruction sequence and how we can focus on the intentionality of our lessons. When teachers plan lessons with intentionality, they carefully choose tasks that help students really understand and remember important concepts. By designing lessons that connect new ideas to what students already know, and by revisiting key concepts in different ways over time, teachers help students move information from their working memory to long term memory. Our aim is to ensure students at St Maryâs College can recall and apply learning at different points and across subject areas, providing them with a pathway to success in their future learning.
đ Resources Top Up
As we move into Term 4 it is only natural that pencil cases and resources start to become a little depleted. Over the holidays please check for any resources that might need to be replenished such as pens, grey lead pencils, rulers and glue sticks.Â
Julia Wood