From the Library

A huge thank you to the support parents/carers and students gave the Library during the Book Fair.
We raised a total of $3181.77 over the week which will find its way back to the students in reward points we receive from Scholastic to purchase new books for the Library.
Our lucky door prize winners over the Book Fair week were:
Alexis Jones (1/2B), Audrey Hoskin (1/2A), Vincent Symons (3B), Karla Te Pania (3A)
and Bridget Kelly (3A).
And this year to celebrate CBCA Reading is Magic we had another week of lucky door prizes for our Book Fair customers:
Aubrey Parkey (4B), Adele Mounsey (4B), Kassidy Ruscoe (1/2A),
Harrison Hustler (4B) and Amelia Morgan (4A).
Congratulations to those winners and thank you again for your support.
New to the Library...
Remember to check out the "What's New" stand each week.
Linda Heveren, Lorna Hooper