Principals Message

Student Led Conferences
As we near the end of Term 3 is it a timely reminder to all our families that our next round of Student Led Conferences are now open for booking via Compass. These will take place on the evening of Thursday 19th September from 4pm - 7pm and Friday 15th September between 9am and 12pm.
Student Led Conferences are an opportunity for students and their family members to 'check in', 'ask questions' and 'clarify' how their learning trajectory is progressing across all areas of the curriculum. Each student has the opportunity to have a designated 10-minute conference time to spend with their teacher/s and review and reflect on their current learning achievements and next goals and targets for future learning for the remainder of this Semester.
Specialist subject teachers also are available to hold a conference with too.
Please Note: Friday 20th is the last day of Term 3, no classes will be running, however students are expected to attend with their parents/carers.
Should you require any assistance in making a booking please do not hesitate to call the office.
Kind regards,
Naomi Landmeter
Assistant Principal