Principal's Report

Principal's Message
On behalf of Boambee Public School - thank you to all of the people who helped us celebrate NAIDOC Week. With celebrations across the week we have had special guests delivering on multiple occasions and our students have had wonderful learning experiences!
Boambee Choir at the Opera House
Last week I had the privilege of attending the Opera House to watch our choir perform at the Festival Of Choral Music. What a spectacular night it was! Congratulations to our students on their incredible efforts and commitment to their craft. Thank you to Mrs Sciortino and Mrs Bull who worked tirelessly to make it happen! We are truly blessed to have such exceptional staff at Boambee Public School. Thank you to the parents of these students, you gave such wonderful support to your children and to our school.
Regional Spelling Bee
Congratulations to Ezra and Josie who were awesome at the regional Spelling Bee. Please read more about this in the Class News section.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
You probably hear us talking about PBL a lot, and some of you may not be aware of what it is all about. Here is some background:
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an evidence-based framework. Our PBL provides a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people. Our PBL program results in:
- reduced inappropriate behaviour
- increased time focused on instruction
- improved social-emotional wellbeing
- positive and respectful relationships among students and staff
- support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student needs
- a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time
At Boambee Public School we develop fortnightly lessons tailored to our students needs. Within each of our bulletins you can see the current learning focus within the PBL page. The lesson is designed by our staff and determined by our PBL and Wellbeing Club students, staff and parents. The lesson is delivered by our students each Monday morning and then supported by the teacher with classroom delivery.
Smiling Minds
At Boambee Public School we also deliver a mindfulness program every week in all classrooms called Smiling Minds. The lesson supports our students with emotional literacy and specific strategies to develop resilience and social skills.
Our current lesson is focused on optimism. This lesson is designed to teach students how to cultivate gratitude through mindfulness. Practising gratitude can improve mood, mental health, life satisfaction, and purposeful engagement. In this lesson, students share personal expressions of gratitude, which fosters connection and trust among peers.
We will include more information about this within our PBL page in the future.
Due to increased costs being charged to our school from our supplier we need to increase the cost of uniforms to ensure we are not running this service at a loss. The increase will be minimal and we can provide support to families in need. Please just make contact with me if this is the case.
We have enough stock to maintain prices for Term 3, so the price increase will begin in Term 4.
I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the wonderful Wendy Gallagher. Wendy volunteers many hours every week to support our school and our uniform shop could not run without her contributions.
Communication with Teachers
If you are worried about something, and have an inquiry that requires attention, please make contact with your teacher to make an appointment to discuss this. You can request a meeting via Seesaw or through the front office.
It is very difficult for our teachers to have an unplanned conversation with a parent before school, or even after school if they have other commitments. As you can imagine, 380 students all running to a detailed and precise timetable relies on teachers being ready for their day. Once you have spent time working on this with your teacher, if you require further support please feel free to make contact and book an appointment with me.
Winter Clothes
We are currently exploring the option of a winter hoody, this may be introduced in the future if it has the support of the P and C and school community.
We know that it is very rare that students want to wear long pants, and it is also for a very short period of time. For these reasons we do not stock long pants or have it as a formal part of our uniform. If students and parents are wondering what they can wear on really cold days, we support royal blue tracksuit pants or navy or black long tights (under shorts/skirts or skorts). We understand that this might not be perfect uniform on these rare days, and this is ok.
Fathers Day Breakfast
Boambee Junior Mountain Biking Program
Boambee Public School Junior Mountain Biking kicked off over the past 2 weeks with our K-2 classes - so much fun! Thank you to Mr Pike for his organisation and to the classroom teachers for their support with the program. It was so exciting to see some of our students riding a bike independently for the very first time.
Book Week 2024
Boambee Public School will be celebrating Book Week in Week 7 of this term. The Scholastic Book Fair will run in the library from Monday the 2nd of September to Friday the 6th of September. Our Annual Book Parade will be held on Friday the 6th of September, children will come dressed as their favourite book character. More information will be sent out as we get closer to the date.
Afternoon Pick Up
Please note that there is no stopping at the top of the hill behind the "no stopping" signs.
What is the fine for No Stopping in NSW 2024?
Failing to observe a no stopping sign can get you a $514 fine and 2 demerit points.
Unfortunately if there is no space to drive into, you will need to do another lap until there is a space. There has been an increase in people queuing behind the no stopping sign and this blocks the road for the rest of the traffic. The best course of action is to come after 3pm when the traffic has subsided.
Sincere thanks to those families who have pushed back their drive through pick up times to a little later in the day, it has eased the pressure in the pick up zone.
Thank you also to the parents who have followed the request to wait at the tree instead of going up to the top COLA, this has increased our ability to supervise your children and safely manage a very busy departure routine at the end of the school day.
Principal's Awards
Tallara Isles - KH
Tallara consistently challenges herself in all areas of her learning while also displaying a positive attitude.
Ellie-Mae Braaksma-Steer - KH
Ellie has been working incredibly hard to improve her reading. She should be congratulated on displaying a positive and eager attitude when reading.
Liam Ulrick-Garner - 4M
Liam wanted to help another student gain confidence in mountain bike riding. So he ran along side this student for an entire lap of the oval encouraging and advising when to change gears.
Isaac Hampton - 2/3B
Isaac challenged himself to overcome his fear and enthusiastically participated in the mountain biking program.
Liam Arnold - 4M
A wonderful class citizen.
Kyran Hoole - 3ML
Always showing a positive attitude and enthusiasm towards learning.
Hugo Beattie - 3ML
Demonstrating increased commitment to his learning and listening actively.
Ezra Keipert - 4/5W
Dedication to the Environment Club.
Oska McLean - 1D
Being an active participant in class activities and always completing his work to the best of his ability. Actively working on his learning goals.
Ginny Simpson - 1L
Focus and dedication to her learning.
Caden Widders - 2/3B
Caden works hard to make positive choices and takes feedback on board in a mature, constructive manner.
Finn Darrington - 3N
Outstanding commitment to his learning and our PBL values.
Ruby Jones - 3N
For her outstanding commitment to school work and our PBL values.
Corey Allen - KMB
Being a focused and motivated learner.
School Photos
School photos have been sent home. For additional orders or if you missed out please see information below.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.