This term MLA, through the inquiry Sustainability and Causation, have been learning about ways the landscape is changed through natural and man-made processes, such as flooding, pollution and introduced species. We have explored the habitats of native species and how introduced species can impact habitats and endanger our native species.
We read the book Rosy Dock by Jeannie Baker, with beautiful collage images of how a landscape might change through flooding and the invasive plant Rosy Dock.
Inspired by Rosy Dock, students have created collages of their own of the many different types of Australian Landscapes, including deserts, rainforests, reefs, grasslands, wetlands and mountain ranges.
Students have also created artworks of native and introduced species and written short information texts about the impacts of feral animals and humans. They have developed an understanding of how our native species can become endangered through the introduction of non-native species.
Students have written information reports about the impacts of deforestation, flooding and pollution on the Australian environment. They have researched and taken notes, written a draft and published their writing using features such as subheadings, images with captions and supportive evidence.