Religious Education

Year 6 Confirmation Retreat 

On Tuesday, the Year 6s travelled to Fitzroy for their Confirmation retreat to visit the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre. Still run by the Sisters of St Joesph, this was the very house Australia's first Saint - Mary Mackillop lived, serving the poor and living as a contemplative religious sister. The Sisters gave the students an engaging tour, looking at relics of St Mary, hearing anecdotes and learning about her humble and holy life, leaving a legacy of love. We also took a 'Spirit-filled Walk' in the beautiful Fitzroy gardens, reflecting on the gifts of the Holy Spirit which the students will receive at their Sacrament of Confirmation. We were blessed with good weather, great company, reflection and learning. We thank the Sisters of St Joseph for their time and ask for your continued prayers as the students prepare to receive their Sacrament at the end of this month.

Important R.E. Dates for Term 3

Thursday August 15th @ 9:15am: Feast of the Assumption Mass

Tuesday August 20th: Reconciliation available for Grade 6 during school

Thursday August 22nd: Reconciliation available for Grade 6 during school

Tuesday August 20th @ 3.30 - 4.30pm: Confirmation Family Faith Sharing Afternoon

Wednesday August 21st: Bishop Ireland visits Confirmation students during school time

Tuesday August 27th @ 9:15am: Father’s Day Mass

Friday August 30th @ 5pm: Sacrament of Confirmation Mass


Upcoming Feast Days

Thursday August 15th: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity) - see video for information on the meaning of the Assumption

Tuesday August 20th: Saint Bernard

Wednesday August 21st: Saint Pius X

Thursday August 22nd: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary


John 6:51-58

Jesus responds to the murmurs of the crowd, who wonders what he means when he says that he came down from heaven.


Unpacking the Scriptures

As we continue reading from the Gospel of John, this Sunday's scripture continues the narrative of the crowds having difficulty with Jesus’ teaching that he is the living bread sent from God. He emphasizes that the bread he will give is his own flesh and salvation comes to those who eat his body and drink his blood. 


Naturally the crowd's first instinct in confusion and disgust. Many could not accept what he said. Today many people continue to struggle with this teaching. With faith, we know the importance and reality of these words that reveals our initiate connection with Jesus. This is the mystery at the heart of our Eucharistic theology - the elements of bread and wine through the action of the Holy Spirit in the mass make present his body and blood. This communion with Jesus makes us one body with him, brings us eternal life and sends us out to be Christ's body for the life of the world. Let us renew our love for the Eucharist, remembering at each mass it is Jesus himself giving his body and blood for us to transform our hearts and bring us to eternal life.


Family Connection

If there are children in your family who have already celebrated their First Communion, invite them to share their memories of this special day. If you have family photos from this occasion, bring them out and share them. Parents and grandparents in the family may also share memories or photos of their First Communion. Recall that every time we receive the Eucharist, Jesus keeps the promise he made in today’s Gospel. Invite family members to share what it means for them to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. 



Gather together, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel John 6:51-58. Together, thank God for this gift of Holy Communion. Pray together an act of spiritual communion:


My Jesus, 

I believe that You are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if you were already there, and I unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.



God bless,


India Mitchell-Fletcher

Religious Education Leader