Infants and Primary


Last week Infants students went to Canberra to visit the Reptile Park and the National Dinosaur Museum. At the Reptile Park we saw snakes, turtles, lizards and even a real live crocodile. The Guide spoke about each reptile and their habitat, diet and behaviours that we might see, we then  walked around the park and had the opportunity to touch some of the reptiles and check out the venomous snakes from a safe distance behind the glass. We then headed down to the National Dinosaur Museum and had a tour around the museum which took us through millions of years of Earth's ancient past. We saw skeletons, fossils and even got to have a play in the garden with the life-like models of dinosaurs. After a very exciting day we got on the bus and headed home with many stories to tell our families and friends.


Year 1 

This fortnight, Year 1 have been extremely busy putting together our Smart Drama Night performance, including props and stage displays. Please keep an eye out for a note that will be sent home next week outlining student costumes for the night.  

In Week 5, Year 1 earned 10 minutes of extra free play due to their fabulous behaviour during our assembly. Every member of our class can be commended for their dedication to following school rules and expectations over this fortnight.  

We had an absolute blast at our excursion on Thursday of Week 5 and spoke about our favourite parts for days afterwards! All students got the opportunity to touch different reptiles and ask questions. Thank you Mrs. Brougham for organising such a wonderful day out.  

In English, students have just begun a new unit of exploring characters in texts and looking closely at how they change and develop as the story progresses. We have been practicing adding rythm to our writing using rhyme, alliteration and clapping out the syllables per line. 

In Mathematics this fortnight, we have been looking closely at things in the world that have patterns in them, finding where patterns can help us determine what comes next. We have begun a new unit this week looking at counting large collections of objects using multiplicative strategies. Some students enjoy this topic so much that they have been clearly practicing their times tables at home! 

Happy Father’s Day to the special figures in our families. We have a Father’s Day gift coming home on Friday afternoon that students have put their creative flair into.  

As always, please contact the school at any time if you wish to speak with me regarding any concerns or queries.  

Miss Friend 


Year 2/3

We had a great time during Education week dressing up as our favourite book characters. During Science week we were learning about endangered species in Australia and thinking about how we can help to care for our environment and help these animals to survive. We had a scavenger hunt where we had to read clues about each animal and then find where the picture of that animal was hidden around the school, its was lots of fun and we even received a prize at the end. 

We have started rehearsing for our performance at Smart night and are getting very excited about performing in front of an audience. The Year 2's enjoyed their excursion to the Canberra Reptile Park and the National Dinosaur Museum while the Year 3's had a special day with Mrs Shore and Mrs Crokett. 

In English we have read a story about Cathy Freeman's life and how she worked hard to become an Olympic champion and gold medal winner. 

In Maths we are delving into multiplication and how it works and where it fits into our everyday lives. 

In History, we have been studying our local area and the old buildings and events that happened in Boorowa. We are now starting to look at the history of different places around Australia.

Year 4/5 

It’s been a full-on couple of weeks in our 4/5 class, and I wanted to fill you in on what we’ve been up to.

We’ve just started reading "The Callers" by Kiah Thomas, and I have to say, the students are absolutely hooked. The story is packed with twists and turns, and it’s really getting them thinking. We’ve been having some great discussions about the characters and their motivations, and it’s great to see the students so engaged. They’re already making predictions about what might happen next, and it’s sparking some deep thinking and lively debates in the classroom. The vocabulary in the text is both rich and diverse, providing a fantastic opportunity for the students to encounter and learn new words. As we read, the kids are expanding their vocab and gaining a deeper understanding of how language can be used to create vivid imagery and convey complex ideas.

In spelling, we’ve turned up the heat with some class spelling bee games. It’s been a fantastic way to get the students excited about spelling, and the competitive edge has really brought out their best. The games have not only been a lot of fun, but they’ve also helped the students build their confidence and tackle more challenging words. It’s great to see them supporting each other while also pushing themselves to improve.

Our Paragraph a Day program has been going gangbusters. What started as a simple "Sentence a Day" activity has evolved into something much more impressive. The students are now writing full paragraphs each day, and the improvement in their writing skills is something to behold. They’re experimenting with different literary devices like personification and dialogue, and it’s clear that their creativity is flourishing. I’ve been blown away by some of the work they’ve produced, and I’m looking forward to sharing some of these fantastic pieces with you over the next fortnight.

In maths, we’ve just wrapped up our unit on place value and have now dived headfirst into multiplication and division. The students are really getting stuck into these new concepts, and I’m seeing a lot of lightbulb moments as they connect the dots. They’ve also just completed their yearly check-in assessments, and I couldn’t be prouder of the effort they’ve put in. It’s clear they’ve been working hard, and their results reflect that. It’s always rewarding to see the students’ perseverance pay off, and I’m excited to see how they continue to progress.

For sport, we’ve finished up with European handball and have just kicked off a new unit on tennis. The first lesson was a bit of a circus—lots of balls flying everywhere and a few tangled rackets—but by the end, we were already seeing some solid improvement. The students are really starting to get the hang of it, and it’s been great to see their skills develop so quickly. I’m looking forward to seeing how they progress as we continue with the unit.

In Science, we’ve just completed our unit on solids, liquids, and gases, and let me tell you, the students have kept me on my toes. They’ve been throwing some curly questions my way—things like non-Newtonian fluids, plasma, and even whether you can liquefy wood. It’s been fantastic to see them so curious and eager to explore these concepts. Their enthusiasm has made this unit a real highlight of the term.

As always, if you have any questions or just want to have a chat about how your child is going, feel free to drop me an email at 

Matthew Rowley


The Primary classes have had a busy, and exciting few weeks. One of the great days was had when 40 students travelled to Cowra for the PSSA Cowra District Athletics Carnival last Friday. All 40 students ran, jumped and threw their hearts out and represented our school brilliantly. Congratulations to Amali who was crowned the 11 Years Girls Champion on the day. In addition to this, we had Sophie, Amali, Edie, Mila, Casey, Coen, Rhyder, Hunter, Digby, Emmett, Ty and Joe all qualify for Western Region Athletics in Dubbo on Friday 20 September. Well done to all involved!

Unfortunately, we are still seeing some misuse of our school facilities – mostly in our toilet areas. There seem to be a number of students who are creating a lot of mess in the toilets, not using them appropriately and wasting toilet paper and hand towels – making our cleaners’ jobs so much harder and costing our school money. While it is very hard for adults to ensure the toilets are being treated the right way, we would ask parents to speak to their children to go over basic hygiene and hopefully we won’t see these issues in the future.

We are very much looking forward to Smart and Drama Night on Wednesday 18 September (which will also include a day-time performance and night-time performance). More information will come out closer to the events – but keep this in your diaries.

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email:

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)



At Boorowa Central School, we take pride in our core values of respect, responsibility, and participation, and these principles are reflected in how we conduct ourselves each day. Recently, we’ve placed a strong emphasis on these three areas as part of our behaviour focus, following some instances where students have not made the best choices. We are committed to helping everyone understand the importance of these values in maintaining a positive and supportive school environment.

Hands and Feet to Self: We’ve been having important discussions about the significance of keeping our hands and feet to ourselves, even during games. It’s essential that everyone feels safe and comfortable in our classroom and playground, and respecting personal space is a big part of that. By keeping our hands and feet to ourselves, whether we’re in the classroom, on the playground, or participating in sports, we show respect for our classmates and help create an environment where everyone can learn and play without worry.

Appropriate Language: We’ve also been focusing on the importance of using appropriate language at all times. The words we choose can have a big impact on others, so it’s crucial that we speak kindly and respectfully to one another. Using appropriate language helps maintain a positive atmosphere in the classroom and ensures that everyone feels valued and included. We’re working together to build a community where positive communication is the norm.

Being Leaders and Role Models: Students in Years 3 to 6 are encouraged to be leaders and good role models for each other and the younger students in Kindergarten to Year 2. By showing respect, kindness, and a positive attitude, our older students set the standard for behaviour across the school. They have a unique opportunity to guide and influence their younger peers, demonstrating what it means to be responsible, caring members of our school community. This leadership helps to create a nurturing and respectful environment where everyone feels supported and valued.

Mr Matthew Rowley

Year 5/6 

The year 5/6 class have begun new units in English, where we are constructing picture books for students in the Infants area of the school. We are exploring simple sentences, repetition and the use of visual cues to make our picture books engaging – but also educational. We look forward to presenting them to our Infants friends. 

In Mathematics, we are focusing on volume and capacity. There’s lots of real-world connections to explore such as grocery purchases, value-for-money, conversions of measurement and recipes. Maths in real-life is a blast. 

In PDHPE we are continuing our focus on Olympic sports, and have begun variations of soccer, basketball and European handball. We are also exploring healthy living, and how medicines and other chemicals impact our bodies. In Science we are preparing presentations on power stations and exploring the world’s reliance on power for all aspects of life.

As always, please get in touch if you require any further information:

Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)


Yindymarra students have been learning lots about how to identify arguments that authors use to persuade the audience in a variety of written and visual texts.  The book `I wanna Iguana" by Karen Kaufman Orloff, gave the students plenty of laughs and they were excited to be able to create their own persuasive writing about a pet we should get for the class. Their letters were very persuasive and I definitely have a hard choice ahead of me.

Rose Arber