Principal's Address


NAPLAN stands for National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy. Each year, students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 are assessed in 5 key areas – Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy. The results provide schools with a ‘snapshot in time’ of where their students are placed in these 5 key areas. Unfortunately, due to the move to online testing for NAPLAN, student growth data is not yet available. However, what schools can look at it is how each year group has performed in each key area since last year’s NAPLAN tests and compare this to the State Average and to Statistically Similar School Groups (SSSG’s)

The 2024 NAPLAN results for Boorowa Central were overall, quite positive in 2024. Student average scores improved across all areas in Year 3 and Year 9. In some key areas such as writing in Year 9 and spelling in Year 3, results were significantly above the SSSG’s and very close to the state average.

In Year 5 the students well above SSSG for reading and numeracy and significantly closing the gap with the state average. Writing, spelling and grammar and punctuation results indicated a slight negative trend in line with state and SSSG trends.

Year 7 NAPLAN were slightly lower than 2023 in all areas.

All families received a hard copy of the NAPLAN results for their child(ren) at the start of week 3. These results are good to store and reflect upon when looking at academic progress throughout a student’s education journey. However, as I mentioned previously, they are a ‘snapshot in time’ and do not tell the full story. Student semester reports and assessment task results also provide more personalised information regarding student learning and achievement.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s NAPLAN results or academic progress at Boorowa Central School, please contact the school.


SASS Appreciation Week

This week across NSW, public schools are recognising and celebrating the wonderful jobs our School Administration and Support Staff do in supporting teaching and learning. Without these fabulous individuals, schools would be a very different place. At Boorowa Central School, teaching staff organised a morning tea on Friday to show their appreciation.

Thank you to School Administration Manager Tammie, School Administration Officers (office ladies) Marg, Leanne and Kat, Food Tech assistant / Science Assistant Clair, Primary assistants Mary and Theresa, Library assistants Michelle and Mechelle, Farm Assistant Julia, General Assistant Paris and our SLSO’s Jaimee, Sascha, Virginia, Fiona, Gill, Charmaine, Chris, Sara, Jayden, Jen and Kelly. Each of you are crucial to the effective operation of Boorowa Central School and you help make our school a better place to learn, teach and work.


HSC Trial Examinations

Year 12 students completed their Trial Examinations last week. These examinations are the final school-based assessments each of the students will complete prior to the Higher School Certificate examinations in Term 4 and make up a significant portion of their assessment marks. Hopefully, each of the students studied hard leading into the examinations and used their time wisely to produce their best efforts. They now need to play the waiting game to see what results they get.

The next milestone for the Year 12 cohort for 2024 is their final week of schooling in Week 10. This week includes a graduation assembly, muck-up assembly, themed dress-ups, muck-up night and Year 12 BBQ breakfast with the staff.