Wellbeing Team

Meet the Highvale Secondary College Wellbeing Team
The Highvale Secondary College Wellbeing Team assists our students with mental health and wellbeing concerns by providing a range of strategies and specialised supports. The wellbeing team offers individual counselling sessions, group sessions, psychological services, whole school supports, and external referral information. This service provides an opportunity for students to talk about their concerns with a wellbeing team member, in a safe and confidential setting. The wellbeing team may offer feedback, strategies, and tools to help students deal with their concerns.
Referral to the Wellbeing Team
To refer a student for wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form:
https://forms.office.com/r/ihVcVpAy3t or Email us at wellbeing@highvalesc.vic.edu.au
Melissa Vujovic (aka Ms Vujovic)
Role: Director of Wellbeing
Working Days: Monday, Tuesday, alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays, and Friday
Sean Redpath Diggle (aka Sean)
Role: Mental Health Practitioner / School Psychologist
Working days: Monday to Friday
Shannon McCarthy (aka Shannon)
Role: School Psychologist
Working Days: Tuesday to Thursday
Victoria Stojanovski (aka Vic)
Role: Mental Health Practitioner
Working Days: Tuesday and Thursday
External Mental Health & Wellbeing Support
Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800
https://kidshelpline.com.au/ Kids Helpline is a free confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Headspace Syndal – 8552 0800
https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/syndal/ Headspace Syndal offers young people aged 12-25 access to mental health and wellbeing support in a welcoming and friendly environment.
Headspace Knox – 9801 6088
https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/knox Headspace Knox offers young people aged 12-25 access to mental health and wellbeing support in a welcoming and friendly environment.
https://headspace.org.au/eheadspace/ eheadspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12-25 and their families and friends.
Monash Youth Services – 9518 3900
Monash Youth Services (MYS) is a part of the broad range of services that Monash Council provides to the local community. They offer free and confidential services to young people aged 10-25 who need someone to talk to about mental health, relationships, sexuality, gender, stress or any other concerns.
Q-Life – 1800 184 527
QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTQIA+ peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, feelings, and relationships.
13 Yarn – 13 92 76
13 Yarn provides 24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Terres Strait Islander People who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping
Emergency & Immediate Crisis Support
If you or someone you know require immediate support, please reach out to the following contacts for emergency and after-hours mental health support:
· Emergency services: 000
· Lifeline: 13 11 14
· Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800