Principal's Report

Appointment of a new Assistant Principal
We are excited to announce the appointment of Ben Franklin as our new Assistant Principal. As we continue to grow in size, we identified a need to expand our leadership team, and this role is in addition to the two Assistant Principal's we currently have at the school, Leigh Hunter and Ros Patti.
Ben is currently the Acting Assistant Principal at Port Melbourne Secondary College and has been an Acting Assistant Principal and Leading Teacher (Teaching and Learning) at Brentwood Secondary College prior to this.
He has led improvement in whole school curriculum, assessment and reporting, the development and refinement of the Port Melbourne SC and Brentwood SC teaching and learning models and is currently leading Disability Inclusion and school operations at Port Melbourne.
Ben has completed the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership's, Unlocking Potential (UP) program, that included a placement at Vermont Secondary College shadowing their Principal Tony Jacobs giving him insight into another high performing school. He is also a musician and has led Instrumental Music and Performing Arts Music programs enabling students to excel in this area.
Ben will commence with us at the beginning of Term 4, and we are excited to welcome him in joining our Highvale community.
School Council 2023 Annual Report Public Reporting Meeting
On Monday 16th September, we will be holding our public reporting meeting to present the 2023 Annual Report. This meeting is open to all members of our community and will run from 6:00pm to 6:30pm. If you are planning on attending, please complete the following registration by Thursday 12 September so we can plan for numbers.
New Year 7 Laptop and Digital Learning Parent Information Night
On Wednesday 4 September, we held our first parent information night for our new Year 7 families. The focus of the night covered digital learning and our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) laptop program. We had over 300 people in attendance on the night and it was great to meet many of our new families who will be joining us next year.
Part of the night included a presentation from Edunet, our suggested laptop provider. We have been working closely with Edunet for the past couple of years to offer laptop devices that are built with education specifications, meaning they are robust, have excellent battery life and will meet the needs of our learning programs. Edunet offer a portal for our families to access to purchase devices and this can be found at:
A video explaining how the partnership with Edunet works can be accessed here:
Spring Concert
On Thursday 5 September, we held our annual Spring Music Concert in the theatre from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. It was wonderful to see so many of our bands, ensembles, groups and soloists performing in front of their friends and families in person as well as through our live stream on the night. A big congratulations to all of the students who performed and a huge thank you to Chris Mitchell (Head of Performing Arts) and all the teaching and instrumental music teaching staff who prepared our students and supported them on the night.