Learning News

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check tile will be available from Term 3 Week 4 on the ALAN platform.
Principals, Assistant Principals and Leaders of Pedagogy have been given resources for teachers at the end of Term 2. A reminder that these resources are not to be published in any public domain.
Professional Learning
Online PL: Implementing the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check is available via MyPL (course code NR31649).
- New users can create a non-government MyPL account at https://mypl.education.nsw.gov.au
This online self-paced PL supports teachers to implement the assessment and interpret the information the assessment provides to support planning for learning.
Please note: Some links to documents mentioned in the PL may not be available to non gov staff.
Video: 'How to navigate the online assessment'
This video is designed to help teachers familiarise themselves with the online tool.
Bullying No Way: National Week Of Action
Bullying No Way: National Week Of Action is 12-16 August and the Office of The eSafety Commissioner is offering free live virtual classroom events with a range of dates and times to choose from, and supporting resources for schools. Sessions are scheduled to run for 45 minutes. Use the links below to register your class/es and download the free resources - look for the open sessions available to all State, Catholic and Independent schools.
Be an eSafe kid: We are connected – using tech safely, responsibly and with respect
Session options:
- 9 August: 9:30am
- 15 August: 9:30am
- 16 August: 2pm
Be an eSafe kid: Better together – connecting with others and being positive online
Session options:
- 6 August: 2pm
- 13 August: 9:30am
- 16 August: 9:30am
See inside for information from CSNSW
CASPA - Catholic Secondary Principals Australia
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