Mission & Religious Education News

New Staff Induction Day
As part of the work teach lead policy an induction is required for new staff each year in regards to the Catholic life of the diocese. This applies to all school staff, not only teaching staff. Given the amount of new staff in 2024 and the difficulties in terms of covering said staff there are three different dates for this induction.
VENUE: Catholic Schools Office, Armidale
TIME: 9am - 3pm
2nd August 2024 - Registration form
15th November 2024 - Registration form for 15th November 2024
Registration form for the induction day(s) are here
Retreat Week
Armidale Catholic Schools has a series of retreats in August. The retreats are facilitated by the Lasallian Adult Formation Team from Sydney led by Brother John Cantwell. Apart from being a great retreat experience these also count toward accreditation hours. Please choose from the following days.
26th August - All Staff
27th August - All Staff
28th August - RECs and APs REGISTRATION LINK
Dates for Cornerstones in Term 3 are August 1 and August 15.
Please select your date here
FAQ's - Going forth?
“Go in peace to love and serve the Lord” says the priest at the end of mass. This concluding rite is best understood as a commissioning. Renewed in our relationship as a family in the body of Christ, we are sent forth to share Christ’s love with others. In fact the word mass is derived from the latin for ‘to send”. As you leave church, think of how you can reach out to one specific person and a way that you can share with them the strength you have drawn from the eucharistic celebration.
Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days
Wed 24 Saint Charbel Makhlouf
Fri 26 Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mon 29 Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus
Tue 30 Saint Peter Chrysologus
Wed 31 Saint Ignatius Loyola, Priest