
Our sincere condolences go to the families and friends of our community members who have passed away.
Jean Harley (nee Gray, Class of 1948)
It is with much sadness that we inform the Kilvington community of Jean’s passing.
Jean Margaret Harley (nee Gray) has an incredibly long and rich history with Kilvington Grammar. She was first connected to the School as a student, then as a parent when her two daughters Anne Barton (nee Harley, Class of 1982) and Jeanette Rawlings (nee Harley, Class of 1984) attended the School from Prep through to Year 12. Jeanette was also Head of Junior School at Kilvington from 2010 to 2014. Jean’s granddaughter Alysia Rawlings (Class of 2010) also attended Kilvington.
During Anne and Jeanette’s time, Jean was heavily involved in the Mother’s Club as Secretary and then President and also served on the School Council for many years. She was a tremendous fundraiser and was instrumental in raising large amounts of money through various initiatives. Thanks to her efforts, the School was able to purchase the very first bank of computers and the beautiful grand piano that is still frequently used in Dalton Hall today. Jean was also involved in the inaugural Kilvington Art Show.
In 2008, Jean was the first recipient of the prestigious Judy Allen Award, given in recognition of exceptional involvement, dedication and passion for Kilvington and ongoing support of the School.
Jean was passionate about reunions for past student as well as reunions for past parents. She was the Convenor of the original Walsh Club group referred to as O.K (Old Kilvonians) and regularly attended the bi-annual Walsh Club luncheons, most recently in March this year.
Jean’s philosophy for life was to be warm and welcoming. She strongly believed that if someone were to receive a warm welcome they would be more likely to come again and get involved in school life. This philosophy continued throughout her time at Kilvington where she always offered a beautiful warm smile, listened to people and shared stories.
In so many ways Jean lived the Kilvington motto of Non Nobis Sed Omnibus – Not for our own, but other’s good. She will be deeply missed by so many Kilvonians and the wider Kilvington community.
Our deepest sympathies to Anne and Jeanette and Jean’s extended family and friends. Rest in peace, Jean.
Eleanor Risstrom (nee Phillips-Rees), former teacher
It is with great sadness we inform our Kilvonian community of the passing of Eleanor Risstrom, (nee Phillips-Rees) on 25 April 2024.
During her 21 years at Kilvington, Eleanor was a trail blazer in the teaching of Commerce, Business Studies, and Kilvington’s ‘Self’ program, while also being a supportive mentor to her teacher peers. Eleanor also guided young minds as the Head of Middle School and as a Careers Advisor. Eleanor was especially remembered on the school camps where staff and students witnessed her creative and fun side.
Kilvonian Ann Dillon remembers her friend and former colleague.
“My friendship with Ellie went back to being neighbours in Adelaide in the late 1970s. My 20 plus years of teaching at Kilvington were directly due to Eleanor being instrumental in me being offered a temporary position in 1990.
I feel sadness at the loss of a friend but gratitude that our paths crossed and we reunited in the supportive and creative environment of Kilvington. Those who taught with her remember Eleanor with warmth and respect.” Vale Eleanor Ristrom.
Lois Lake (nee Sheehan, Class of 1952)
Lois Lake sadly passed away in September 2022 in Noosa Heads, Queensland.
Nicole McBride (nee Shelton, Class of 1992)
A message from Nicole’s husband, Shaun McBride.
“I regretfully inform you that Nicole sadly passed away on 5 November 2024.”
Frank (Ray) Rivers, Kilvington Life Governor
Ray’s daughter, Jillian Rivers (Class of 1974 and past Board member) informed us of the passing of her father on 15 February 2024. Rest in peace, Ray.