Clyde Road Upgrades

Clyde Road Upgrade- Service Relocations Term 3 Weeks 1 & 2
Works continue along Clyde Road and Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard, relocating underground services in preparation for the upgrade works to commence.
Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) have advised that these works will take place outside of peak times, between 9:30am & 2:30pm.
At times there will be lane closures along Sir Gustav Nossal Boulevard with traffic diverted via Venture Drive and Enterprise Avenue. This will take place outside of peak times 9:30am - 2:30pm.
Please note that if you are travelling to Nossal via car between 9:30am & 2:30pm that you may be diverted through Venture Drive and Enterprise Avenue.
For pedestrians, please ensure that you follow the directions of traffic controllers and obey signage and traffic lights.
Princes Freeway Lane and ramp closures
To safely relocate underground telecommunication services across the Princes Freeway, lanes will be closed in both directions on the Princes Freeway under the Clyde Road bridge between Sunday 28 July and Sunday 18 August, from 9pm to 5am each night.
Princes Freeway outbound entry ramp will also be closed from Clyde Road between Tuesday 6 August and Friday 9 August, from 9pm to 5am each night.
Delays of up to 5 minutes are expected on the Princes Freeway while lanes are closed.
During the overnight outbound entry ramp closures, detours will be in place via the Princes Highway and O’Shea Road. Expect delays of up to 10 minutes.
Access for emergency services vehicles and to surrounding hospitals, learning institutions and businesses will be maintained at all times. There will be no impact on public transport services.
Site compound establishment
From Monday 5 August to b, main works site compound will be set up on the grounds of Chisholm Tafe.
This is where a team of up to 200 staff will be based until the upgrade is complete in late 2027.
To build the site compound, work will commence weekdays from 7am to 6pm and on Saturdays from 7am to 1pm. Work will also be at night at times to limit traffic disruptions.
What to expect
Princes Freeway Lane and ramp closures.
Delays of up to 5 minutes are expected on the Princes Freeway while lanes are closed.
Detours will be in place via the Princes Highway and O’Shea Road while the Princes Freeway outbound entry ramp from Clyde Road is closed. Expect delays of up to 10 minutes.
Access for emergency services vehicles and to surrounding hospitals, learning institutions and businesses will be maintained at all times.
There will be an increase in construction vehicles entering and exiting Kangan Drive while works continue to build the new site compound.
Speed reductions, lane closures and short traffic holds may be required at times to carry out works safely.
Please follow on-road signage and our traffic controllers’ directions, and drive with caution through the area.
Those close to the works may also experience an increase in noise, dust and vibration from construction machinery. MRPV will do their best to schedule noisy works earlier in the day where possible. MRPV will also monitor noise, dust and vibration to ensure they stay within acceptable levels.
For more information
Weather conditions may affect our progress. For the latest traffic updates visit
To sign up for project updates visit
If you have any questions about these or any of our works, please call 1800 105 105 or email