From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

This week we have certainly felt a blast of very cold weather. Whilst the rooms are warm and dry, please ensure your children have a jumper, coat or jacket to wear when they go outside. We understand this will be different for everyone, however all students require an extra layer of some sort, outside when it is so cold.



Our BPC met this week to organise and plan the events for the remainder of the year. The BPC is a vital group in our school as they coordinate social and fundraising events for our students. Without parent support, we cannot run the events that our students look forward to. Our BPC runs slightly differently to a traditional PFA. We do have a group of parents who form a required official Committee and act as coordinators, but that is only one part. We encourage and need other parents to step in and help, by taking responsibility and or helping with a particular event. If every family contributed by helping at one event, the load would be lighter for all and all events would be able to run as planned

I encourage all parents to read the BPC page of each newsletter and see what events are planned and when and how you could help. The students are the beneficiaries of everything the BPC does, so we need you.



Our next BPC organised event is our annual Walkathon being held this Friday 2nd August from 2:30pm-3:15pm. Information has been shared and the weather is looking great. All students are expected to participate and permission forms must be returned.

After meeting with the BPC and our SRC (Student Representative Council) our fundraising goal has been finalised. We want to install a permanent basketball ring and small court markings in the junior yard and provide new basketballs for all grades. In order to make this happen, we need to walk as many laps as we can and get as much sponsorship as we can.


Year 5 /6 Camp

Our Year 5/6 students are excitedly beginning to prepare for camp in two weeks. They will be going to Phillip Island Adventure Resort for three days and two nights. The purpose of camp is to encourage independence, confidence, resilience , problem solving and collaboration,  as well as creating lifelong memories.

All forms must be returned by today Wednesday 31st July (forms attached below).

Payment in full, must be made by next Wednesday 7th August.

St Bernard’s Day

On Tuesday 20th August we celebrate our patron saint,  St Bernard’s Feast Day. More information to follow but we will hold a paraliturgy in the hall at 2:45pm on that day and invite families to attend.


PL Day - Monday 19th August

A reminder Monday 19th August is a PL day for all staff to complete Level 2 First Aid training. There is no school for students on this day.  OSHC is available on this day, bookings are essential.

'Something to Think About'

Susan McLean is Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and was a member of Victoria Police for 27 years. Widely known as the ‘cyber cop’, she was the first Victoria Police officer appointed to a position involving cyber safety and young people. Over the next few weeks, there will be links to some short videos and transcripts. The first of these informative clips is Cyberbullying, a topic we have all heard much about.