Year Three - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,

This week we had a number of events happening in the Ephesus Community this week. 

On Tuesday, the students watched a live Virtual Classroom webinar to help Year 3  students understand how to connect positively online and how to be a good digital citizen. Students learned about being a good friend online, positive internet behaviours and keeping safe.

On Wednesday we celebrated Mass together with the Galilee Community. The theme of the Mass was focused on Mary MacKillop, even though her Feast Day was actually on Thursday. 

Today, parents had the chance to come into the classroom and participate with the students in the Maths Olympics.


Mathematics:   Olympic Maths continues and commence the topic of angles

English: Continue reading 'Iron Man' and writing our information report on an entertainer

Religious Education: We will be sharing our responses from the survey that your child brought home regarding the different religions in our Ephesus Community and we will also learn about the Feast of the Assumption.

Auslan: Next week we are starting Unit 6. We will be learning words and phrases such as "close the door"', "close the book", "do you have?", "how do you sign" and "I don't have".


This week...

Monday 12th of August  

Families can come and join in the second day of the Maths 

Olympics in Ephesus

Tuesday  13th of August 
Wednesday 14th of August 
Thursday 15th of AugustThe Feast of the Assumption
Friday 16th of August National Day of Action against bullying and violence


  • Friday 16th August - National Day of Action against bullying & violence
  • Thursday 22nd August - STUDENT FREE DAY (OSHC is available to book)
  • Friday 23rd August - Book Week Parade
  • Thursday 29th - August Fathers Day Celebration - *please note date change
  • Friday 20th September - Favourite Sports Team Dress up day & Last day of Term 3