Team Foundation News

Celebrating 100 Days of Foundation!
On the morning of Monday the 29th of July there was a great deal of excitement and electricity in the air. The day had finally arrived! It was the 100th day of school and all Foundation students and Miss Jones were ready to celebrate!
At 8:55 am the bell rang and out of the FKJ classroom came a little old lady. Where was Miss Jones? The Foundation children were so confused and did not know who this person was and where their teacher had gone. The stranger walked over to FKJ and said, 'Good morning!". Everyone soon realised that this lady was actually Miss Jones dressed up! There was lots of laughter in the air!
Miss Jones had a sign - 100th Day of School. Parents were encouraged to take a photo of their Foundation child in front of this sign to remember this wonderful day.
After a while, Miss Jones took the children back into the classroom and changed their daily readers and then the real fun began! Ellery crossed off the 100 Days on our count down poster. FKJ cheered with excitement!
Next, Miss Jones demonstrated how to make a 100 days of Foundation necklace. Each necklace was made out of 100 pieces of cereal. Children used a tens frame to count out ten pieces of cereal. These pieces were then threaded onto a piece of wool. This was done ten times. The Foundation students worked on their counting skills by skip counting up to 100 by tens.
After recess FKJ worked on a new activity. Miss Jones showed the Foundation students how to make a 100 days of school crown. Each crown had ten sections and each section had 10 objects glued or drawn on it. Ten lots of ten is one hundred!
After lunch the children listened to a picture story book about 100 Days of school. After this lovely story the Foundation children had a practice of the 100 Days of School song. This song would be sung at Assembly the following Friday in front of the whole school!
The last activity for the day was to take part in a 100 Days of School Scavenger Hunt. Unfortunately the weather was not agreeable and for most of the day the rain consistently fell from the sky. Due to these wet conditions a decision was made to postpone the Scavenger Hunt. Instead, students from Foundation to Grade Two, took part in a 100 Days Exercise Challenge. Students performed ten different exercises and completed each exercise ten times.
The following week, students from Foundation, Grade One and Two, were placed into twelve small groups. Each group had to work together to try and find 100 natural objects by searching high and low through the school playground. It was wonderful to witness groups working together to achieve this goal!
We have had so much fun and learnt so much in just 100 days of school! What a great time we had celebrating our 100th day at Boroondara Park Primary. As one student exclaimed at the end of the day, “ This has been the BEST day EVER!”
We hope the children will remember this day fondly for many years to come.
Foundation Stars Weeks 2 and 3
In Week 2, Bella was the first Foundation Star for 2024! Bella shared her personal show bag to all of the students. Bella’s show bag was full of special personal treasures. Some of these items were a piano music book, some tricky puzzles, a mini Lego white rabbit, models of her family made out of cardboard and an Australian Adventures reader. The grade was really impressed to hear Bella’s personal skill performance on Thursday. Bella played the piano to FKJ and played a number of lovely tunes on the piano in the Music room. All of her classmates were very impressed! Well done Bella for being the first Foundation Star for 2024! We were all so very impressed with your presentations!
In Week 3, Alicia was the second Foundation Star for 2024! Alicia shared her lovely timeline with many interesting photos. One photo showed her first day of kindergarten and another her first day of primary school. In Alicia’s personal show bag, she shared some fascinating items. She shared a camera that was in the shape of a teddy bear, a wooden aeroplane that she made in kindergarten, a monster truck toy and her white belt from karate! Alicia’s personal skill was to draw a picture of her mummy. Alicia put a great deal of effort into this drawing and the class was so impressed to watch her create this picture in a short amount of time. Well done Alicia for sharing your life with us. We really enjoyed listening to you sharing these wonderful presentations with us all! Great job!
Well done to Bella and Alicia for sharing your lives with us all! We look forward to seeing the next Foundation Star presentations in the weeks to come!