Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom -
As we wrap things up prior to the commencement of the gymnastics program later this term, our students have been very busy during PE classes! In the Junior School, we have had a bit of a split focus in the past fortnight. While continuing to prepare for our upcoming Olympics Day this Friday, students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 have also undertaken a series of assessment rotations - focusing on the kicking skills of passing, shooting and dribbling. In the Middle School and Senior School, our students have shown great adaptability in PE classes, as we have altered our schedule somewhat to fill in the gaps after our partially rained out Senior School Athletics Carnival. In between all of this, we have had some time to practise some core basketball skills, in preparation for Hoop Time, which will be later this term.
As mentioned above, from next week, we will be commencing our 5-week gymnastics program. This annual program is always a great opportunity for our students to experience, as they develop their skills in the disciplines of strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and focus. I am very much looking forward to seeing our students learn and grow during this year's program.
Sporting Events
Senior School Athletics Carnival -
The weather might have been damp, but the efforts of our students certainly were not! Congratulations to all of our 3-6 students who braved the rain on Monday 29th July for our Senior School Athletics Carnival. Although BOM made fools of us all (or at least a fool of me) with a grossly underestimated forecast of 2mm rain (easing in the afternoon), it was so inspiring to see our students smiling, competing hard and having fun in their track and field events. Special thanks must go to the BPPS teachers and the many parent volunteers who persevered throughout the day to make it a success for so many of our students. Although the rain prevented us from getting through the whole schedule on the day, I am happy to say that we were able to finish all of our trials at school last week. My next task will be to collate the results and put together our team for District Athletics, which will be on September 2nd.
BPPS Olympics Day
Don't forget that this Friday, 9th August, we will be having our BPPS Olympics Day. This will be an opportunity for our students to participate in a diverse range of Olympic inspired sports and activities and hopefully have some fun while doing so. We will be having an Olympics costume parade at the end of the day, so students are invited to dress for either their favourite Olympic sport or in the colours of their favourite Olympic country. More information can be found on the flyer below, and families are enthusiastically invited to attend!
Have a great week!
Philip Wickham