Primary Year 3-6

We have had a wonderful start to the term and the children have settled back into routines and learning very quickly. This term will be a very busy and productive one with many learning opportunities for the students.
➡️ PBL Focus
Our Positive Behaviour for Learning Program is a College Wide program. Each term we have a particular focus across the College for behaviours that will support and enhance relationships and learning outcomes for our students.
This term our overarching theme is the value of Integrity. Our College TAG is Respect, Excellence and Integrity.
We focus on a particular aspect every two weeks and use this to award our PBL certificates at our Primary assemblies. Our focus for the next two weeks is “be respectful of all with both voice and actions by being the best version of yourself”
The Year 6 Leaders are assisting in creating the focus we have each fortnight and they felt very strongly this should be our first focus. The Yr 6 Leaders are showing great initiative and maturity in the way they approach both preparing and running our assemblies.
➡️ Primary Assembly
Our first Primary assembly for the term was held today Friday 26th July 26th. We look forward to welcoming you to our assemblies which are all led by our Yr 6 leaders.
➡️ Parish Masses
Every Wednesday, a different year level attends the 9.00am Parish Mass. Families are very welcome to attend the Mass with their child’s class. Years 5/6will be attending Mass on Wednesday 31st July and Years 3/4 on Wednesday 7th August.
➡️ Swimming Program
Years 3-6 will be involved in the swimming program this term. Years 3 and 4 have commenced their swimming this week and then Years 5 and 6 will participate in the program at the end of the term. This is a great opportunity for the children to learn and reinforce the life saving skills that are so important for them to have when they are around water.
➡️ Dates to Remember
This term's events include Book Week, Science Week, Father’s /Special Person’s Day Breakfast, Feast Day, Footy Day as well as excursions and incursions to support our learning objectives. It’s going to be a great term!!
Please see the dates below to mark in your dairy.
▪️ Week 5: Science Week
▪️ Week 6: Book Week
▪️ Week 7: Father’s /Special Person’s Day Breakfast,
▪️ Week 9: Feast Day
▪️ Week 10: Footy Colours Day
Catherine Evans
Year 3-6 Co-ordinator