VCE Vocational Major

◾Integrated Excursion – The Big Issue
On Thursday 18th July the VCE VM class travelled to Melbourne by train to attend a workshop at The Big Issue in Collins Street. The workshop consisted of listening to two guest speakers and participating in an activity. Danya the first speaker was a social support worker who spoke to the students about the many forms and experiences of homelessness and the role of The Big Issue in supporting homeless individuals. Phil, a man who had experienced homelessness told his story and experiences to the group.
Student Reflections:
Angela... “I was really shocked by his story, since he’s been through so much and even his home is not a forever one.”
Ethan... "We then lined up in height order and Danya split us into four groups and excluded Jarrah. Each group tried to complete a puzzle, we each had different rules. This was to show us the different challenges that people go through that can lead to homelessness. Then Phil talked to us about his experience of homelessness and life in general. I learnt that only 6% of homeless people sleep on the streets on a regular basis. Overall, I enjoyed the trip and it helped me understand why people are homeless and how they can get help.”
Olivia... “Listening to Phil’s story helped me to develop a better understanding of what others may have gone through which ties back to my Community Services Studies. Being aware of what disadvantages people face in the workforce and everyday life is important and hearing of how they overcame or are overcoming them changes your perspective. It was inspiring to hear that even though Phil didn’t receive the same love and support from his family that we take for granted, he still took care of himself and never gave up which led him into a suitable job and dream to travel.”
Ashlee... “I found this experience very life changing and very inspiring to learn what it’s like from a perspective of a homeless person.”
◾Integrated Project – Barrabill House
Students in VCE VM have begun undertaking work experience sessions at Barrabill House Seymour. As part of this project students attend sessions at Barrabill House and Seymour Hospital at different times to participate in different sessions with the elderly. So far students have completed in sessions ranging from cooking class to travel stories to running bingo sessions.
Student Reflections:
Angela... “Going to Barrabill house was very enjoyable. The staff were pleasant and so were the residents. We had a chat about travelling, where everyone is going, languages they speak and fond memories from their childhood.”
Olivia... “I enjoyed socialising with the residents and helped me better understand the industry. It was fun as we chatted with everyone and got to know the staff and residents.”
Ashlee... “I enjoyed getting to know them and their careers and what they did when younger. They were all pretty friendly and had good humor.”
Melissa Wood
Amanda Hard