From the Library

Hi Everyone,
It's Scholastic Book Fair Time and you're invited to come in to browse and purchase from the range of Books, Activity packs and Posters.
Library Resource Centre
Monday 5th Aug, Tuesday 6th Aug, Thursday 8th Aug
Monday 12th Aug. - is the last day to purchase items
Time: 8:30am to 4:00pm
* Students - Before school, lunchtime and after school
* Parents - 8:30am to 4:00pm
* Payment - EFTPOS or cash
Students will have the opportunity to view and complete awish list during Library time or with their class.
When you make a purchase you go into the daily Lucky Door Prize draw.
Thank you for supporting our school Library, by making a purchase our Library receives resources for you.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Linda Heveren