
Mr Wayne Smith

Dear Parents and Carers,


💫  Stage 2 Funding Application

St Mary’s will be informed very soon on the 2023 funding submission to extend the Monsignor Tom’s Science building. Modular classrooms will be added in August to provide the necessary rooms space in 2025 for Year 12 and if the Stage 2 Funding application is successful four of the current demountable classrooms alongside the Science building will be removed during 2025.


The VCE Centre is keeping within the architectural design and landscape of the Primary Learning Centre, and this will bring a visual connection and style to the College’s future building footprint. 


ROAM Architects will visit next week to meet with a small group of secondary students to discuss traffic flow and other practical elements of the building. It is important for our students to have input into these practical elements for the centre, both internally and externally.


💫  Advertising for Teachers

Such is the shortage of teachers in both urban and rural areas recruiting agencies specializing in overseas recruitment are receiving record enquiries from schools.  Our College is no different as we compete with the attractive bonuses the state government are giving to recruit teachers to state schools. Our College budget could not sustain such sign on bonuses, and we do not offer other financial incentives. I believe if money alone is going to ‘get you over the line’, then there can be the question of commitment.


We are actively seeking teachers to join St Mary’s. On the 1st of August the executive is holding a 2025 Prospective Staff Information Evening for interested teachers who want to find out about our College’s vision and future plans. We are also using a recruiting company who provide information on teachers who are keen to come to Australia. Online interviews have been held with more to do.  Recruitment for VCE teachers was happening during 2023 and it is pleasing to know that in 2025 Year 12 students will have experienced VCE teachers. 


💫  VCE Evening 2025/26

A successful VCE; VCE-VM and VET Information Evening was held on Thursday. Next week Year 10 students and parents will meet with senior staff to select subjects. During the evening parents and students heard from student leaders, Andrew Bree and Sophie Munro on the step up from Year 10 to Year 11. They gave Year 10 students valuable advice on the importance of balance, organisation and the workload. College VCE Coordinator Ms Simone McLaughlin is leading the curriculum return to VCE in a systematic and coordinated way, which ensures the College complies with VCAA, MACS and VCEA statutory requirements. 


Best wishes




Wayne Smith


DipEd (ACU) DipREd (ACU) Bed (ACU) GradCertEdAdmin (Edith Cowan) 

GradDipREd (ACU) MEdAdmin (Charles Sturt) MTheoStudies (BBITAITE)