Book of the Month

Hello again,  


This term the library has been buzzing. Our smiling faces (or perhaps our heaters) are very popular. We are open before and after school, during recess and lunch, and after school and we are always busy. Don’t forget, homework club runs in the library from Monday to Thursday and teachers are in attendance to assist students from Monday to Wednesday. If you need assistance with a task, to catch up on homework or do revision there is usually someone here to help.  


We have some good news to share this month, Andrea Wilson, who has been working with us on a volunteer and casual basis over the past year has been appointed as the new library assistant. Andrea has introduced many new ideas to the library and is a huge asset to the team. Congratulations  Andrea.  


As we mentioned last term, students are now able to access their Functional Solutions accounts. They can check their loans, reserve books, or search the catalogue for new items to read. To gain access students simply use their student code, for example (ABC0001) using the password ‘student’ or use this QR code.  

Don’t forget, we now have a Google Classroom page with all the information about what is happening in the library. Join us there to stay connected and make the most of what the library has to offer! Use the QR code or the classroom code to join. 5d7qree 


We have just completed processing a mountain of books and these are flying out the door. As the Olympics have been topical this term, our selection to share this month is ‘Synchro Boy’ by Shannon McFerran.  


Sixteen-year-old Bart Lively desperately wants to feel comfortable in his own skin. Sure, he's a competitive swimmer, but being a jock doesn't mean he isn't the target of gay jokes, and the macho culture of his swim club is wearing him down. When he discovers synchronised swimming, he also discovers a natural talent – not to mention a spark with one of the girls. When Erika Tenaka asks him to swim the mixed duet, he commits to taking them all the way to the Olympics.  


Follow Bart’s story and the ups and downs of relationships in the already fraught atmosphere of high level competition sport.  

Once again we ask you to please remain vigilant with the search for overdue books. We wish to thank those parents who responded to our phone calls and followed up on long overdue items, however we still have a large number of items outstanding and would like to see them returned to the shelves for other students to enjoy.  


Melinda, Will and Andrea.