Merit Mart

The SWPBS Team have been working extremely hard behind the scenes to bring the Merit Mart to life and their efforts haven't gone to waste as the Merit Mart has been a astounding success since its inaugural debut on Friday, week 4 this term.


The Mart opened twice this term with the latest being Friday of week 8 at both senior and junior lunchtimes. The students were given the opportunity to come in and cash in their hard-earned merit tickets for a massive array of prizes and rewards. The Merit Mart has become quite popular and has sold almost all of its inventory in both openings.


Typically, the SWPBS team would collect between 2500 merit tickets per term across the school, but this time round, we had a staggering 5745 merit tickets handed in, in a shocking 4 weeks.


A massive thank you and congratulations goes out to all the teachers of Staughton who continue to promote and celebrate positive behaviour at the college and an even bigger thank you goes out to all the SWPBS team who have so diligently been putting together the Merit Mart.


We are excited for the next time the shop opens and can't wit to see you all there!