Science - The Science of Sleuthing

Subject Name: Science
Unit of Study: The Science of Sleuthing
Brief Description: This science unit of study explores the ways that forensic scientists examine and analyse evidence for criminal and other legal proceedings. Students undertake chemical, physical, and biological tests on hair, fibres, fingerprints, and soil. They investigate the science of blood - analysing blood splatter and how crime scenes can be investigated to recreate a crime. These tests along with observation and research will be used to make hypotheses and draw conclusions.
Scaffolding Learning
At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have:
An understanding of key knowledge
- Examine how models and theories have developed over time and discuss factors that prompt their review (VCSSU114)
- Evaluate the role of DNA in forensic methodology over time and how changes in DNA technology has changed crime scene investigation (VCSSU119)
- Explore the history of forensic analysis and its representation in the media and popular culture (VCSSU115)
Attained these key skills
- Designing and constructing appropriate graphs to represent data and to look for trends and patterns (VCSIS138)
- Use knowledge to evaluate investigation conclusions, including assessing the approaches used to solve problems, critically analysing the validity of information obtained from primary and secondary sources, suggesting possible alternative explanations and describing specific ways to improve the quality of data (VCSIS139)
- Communicate scientific ideas (VCSIS140)
- Select and use appropriate equipment and technologies to systematically collect and record accurate and reliable data, and use repeat trials to improve accuracy. Precision and reliability (VCSIS136)
Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities
- Science as a Human Endeavour
- Science understanding - biological sciences & chemical sciences
- Science Inquiry skills
Additional learning opportunities
- Practical Investigations
- Forensics Incursion
- Blood Spatter Analysis
Assessment Tasks
Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:
- Crime scene analysis
- Test
- Exam
- N/A
This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.