Science - Ion the Prize

Subject Name: Science
Unit of Study: Ion the Prize
Brief Description: This science unit of study explores the three main classes of molecules: metals, ionic compounds and covalent compounds. Different types of reactions such as acid-base, precipitation, combustion and redox will be explored through engaging experiments. The ability to write full balanced chemical equations and applying mathematics to chemistry will also be practised. Students will explore the molecules that make up compounds and learn how they are structured. Students will further develop their practical science skills through conducting practical experiments.
Scaffolding Learning
At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have:
An understanding of key knowledge
- Define elements, isotopes and ions, including appropriate notation: atomic number; mass number; and number of protons, neutrons and electrons (VCSSU122)
- Annotate the periodic table with the different groups and various trends (VCSSU123)
- Explore the common properties of ionic compounds, metallic compounds and covalent substances (VCSSU124)
- Identify different types of chemical reactions, including combustion and reactions of acids. Writing balanced chemical equations (VCSSU126)
- Investigate how the rate of chemical reactions can be increased. (VCSSU125)
Attained these key skills
- Using mathematical skills in using formulas and constructing graphs to represent data and to look for trends and patterns. (VCSIS139)
- Communicate scientific ideas. Identifying variables and applying scientific knowledge to create a hypothesis. Use knowledge to evaluate investigation designs including assessing the approaches used to solve problems, critically analysing the validity of information obtained from primary and secondary sources, suggesting possible alternative explanations and describing specific ways to improve the quality of data. (VCSIS140)
Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities
- Science as a Human Endeavour
- Science understanding - chemical sciences
- Science Inquiry skills
Additional learning opportunities
- Practical Investigations
Assessment Tasks
Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:
- Practical Investigation Report
- Test
- N/A
This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.