P.E - Warrior Fitness

Subject Name: Physical Education
Unit of Study: Warrior Fitness
Brief Description: Do you love exercising? Do you want to challenge yourself physically, exploring a variety of different activities? If the gym and working out sound like fun then this may be the unit of study for you!!
In this practical based unit of study, students will experience a variety of workouts both at school and in our local area including group fitness sessions at the Macleod YMCA. This unit will be personalised with content being dependent on student interest eg: boxing, kettlebell, HITT, cycling, swimming, running. By engaging in physical activities. They can develop their fitness and develop their understanding of the principles of exercise and training that in turn will promote well-being, and foster personal and social development.
Scaffolding Learning
At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have:
An understanding of key knowledge
- Analyze and evaluate personal fitness levels and design appropriate exercise programs to meet specific goals.
- Identify and apply strategies for injury prevention and safe exercise practices.
- Promote physical and mental well-being through regular participation in fitness activities.
Attained these key skills
- Demonstrate competence in a variety of fitness exercises and activities, including strength training, aerobic exercises, flexibility exercises, and high-intensity workouts.
- Understand the biomechanical principles related to fitness exercises, such as proper form, posture, and body alignment.
- Set and monitor personal fitness goals and track progress over time.
Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities
Moving the body
- Perform and refine specialised movement skills in challenging movement situations (VCHPEM152)
- Develop, implement and evaluate movement concepts and strategies for successful outcomes (VCHPEM154)
- Evaluate own and others’ movement compositions, and provide and apply feedback in order to enhance performance situations (VCHPEM153)
Understanding movement
- Design, implement and evaluate personalised plans for improving or maintaining their own and others’ physical activity and fitness levels (VCHPEM155)
- Analyse the impact of effort, space, time, objects and people when composing and performing movement sequences (VCHPEM156)
Learning through movement
- Devise, implement and refine strategies demonstrating leadership and collaboration skills when working in groups or teams (VCHPEM158)
- Transfer understanding from previous movement experiences to create solutions to movement challenges (VCHPEM159)
Assessment Tasks
Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:
- Develop a personalised fitness workout for their peers
- Pre and Post fitness testing
Additional learning opportunities
- A 4 session excursion to the Macleod YMCA
- There will be a cost associated with this elective (approx $25)
- This elective will be predominantly practical, but some theoretical classes will also be required
- Physical Education uniform
This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.