Humanities - World on Fire: Total War

Subject Area: Humanities - History / Politics
Unit of Study: World on Fire: Total War
Brief Description: Students investigate the different political ideologies of key players of WWII. They then analyse the long term causes and short term triggers of World War II, and the nature of warfare, including the Holocaust and use of the atomic bomb.
Scaffolding Learning
At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have:
An understanding of key knowledge
- Significant events, turning points of World War II and the nature of warfare, including the Holocaust and use of the atomic bomb (VCHHK147)
- Significant places where Australians fought and their perspectives and experiences in these places (VCHHK146)
- Causes of World War II and the reasons why Australians enlisted to go to war (VCHHK145)
Attained these key skills
- Analyse and corroborate sources and evaluate their accuracy, usefulness and reliability (VCHHC123)
- Identify and evaluate patterns of continuity and change in the development of the modern world and Australia (VCHHC126)
- Evaluate the historical significance of an event, idea, individual or place (VCHHC128)
Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities
- Critical & Creative Thinking
- Ethical Capabilities
- Intercultural Capabilities
Assessment Tasks
Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:
- Source Analysis
- Evaluation of Historical Significance
Additional learning opportunities
- Melbourne Holocaust Centre visit & Survivor Testimony
- Viewing of a WWII film
- Matilda Education - Year 10 Humanities Textbook
- Digital device (laptops preferred)
This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.