Humanities - Money & Me!

Subject Area: Economics & Business/Consumer & Financial Literacy
Unit of Study: Money & Me!
Brief Description: Money & Me! Focuses on the everyday financial decisions that have an effect on long term wealth and financial literacy. Students learn how to budget on various incomes. They also look at the pros and cons of credit, including how to use credit responsibly.
Scaffolding Learning
At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have:
An understanding of key knowledge
- Debating the difference between good and bad debt, how to manage debt, the risks of over-indebtedness, and the importance of having a savings buffer (VCEBC023)
- Identifying ways consumers can protect themselves from risks, for example, through insurances, savings and superannuation (VCEBC023)
- Explaining the role of banks and other deposit-taking institutions, such as credit unions or building societies, in collecting deposits, pooling savings and lending them to individuals and business (VCEBC023)
Attained these key skills
- Creating and maintaining a budget
- Banking and maintaining savings
- Creating and maintaining a good line of personal credit
Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities
- Critical & Creative Thinking
- Intercultural capability
- Ethical capability
- Literacy and numeracy
Assessment Tasks
Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:
- Family budget
- Case Studies
- Portfolio
Additional learning opportunities
- Guest Speaker
- Matilda Education - Year 10 Humanities Textbook
- Digital device (laptops preferred)
This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.