Health - Party Program

Party Program

Subject Name: Health


Unit of Study: Party Program 


Brief Description: Students explore topics relating to safety, alcohol/ drugs and respectful relationships. 


Scaffolding Learning

At the conclusion of this unit of study students will have: 


An understanding of key knowledge

  • Students will explore the dimensions of social and physical health.
  • Students will explore practical strategies to promote safety for themselves and others. 
  • Explore the influence of peers on health behaviours 


Attained these key skills

  • Students can explain the interrelationship between physical and social health. 
  • Students can apply practical strategies to real life scenarios 
  • Students can develop an event that considers the health and practical needs of young people. 


Demonstrated the Victorian curriculum standards and capabilities

  • Ethical capability (VCECD022)
  • Personal and Social Capability (VCPSCSE045)
  • Being healthy, safe and active (VCHPEP144)
  • Contributing to healthy and active communities (VCHPEP149) 

Assessment Tasks

Students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks:

  • Party planning 
  • Research task 

Additional learning opportunities 

  • Incursion/ Guest speaker


  • Laptop
  • Workbook


This unit of study could provide students with the following pathway.